Chapter 5: The Great fighter tournament (Arc 1)

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The day was the day. All fighters within different schools have gotten the message about the fighting tournament which excited them since now they can test out their fighting style and see how is the most strongest fighters around.

While at the other side the citizens have also gotten in their radios and on their TV's as the news warns them about Athens great fighting tournament and request all people to remain inside and never go out when ever a fight gose out.

We then cut to the police station where we see Cheif Chikao is in the middle of giving out a speech to evevry cop about this tournament.

Among the crowd was Alex who was listening in and soon Akio sneak his way into the crowd and stand next to Alex and whisper to him while Chikao was given the cops his speech.

Akio: (whisper) So I guess we're gonna sort out those fight tournament huh?

Alex: (whisper) Looks like it that way.

Akio: (whisper) Damn this sucks. I rather just set my feet up and relax.

Alex: (whisper) Your joking.

Akio: (whisper) Look what's really the point of stopping these tournament, you know what happened last years right? Several cops were injured or killed.

Alex: (whisper) That was then, this is now and this time we are ending this for good.

Akio: (whisper) What do you mean by that?

Alex: (whisper) I've gotten one of the fighters phones and with our hackers we can breach into their fire wall and find the person who is responsible for these illegal tournaments.

Akio: (whisper) Cool. How is that going?

Alex: (whisper) Slow but it will be worth it in the end.

Akio smirks and the two turn to Chikao who finished off by saying.

Chikao: If you see Guardian handing the tournament fights place do what ever you can to bring out of his way unless he is indanger. He saved us and if he needs help, we be with him. Is everyone clear?

Every police: Sir yes sir!

Chikao: Good. Now move out!

The police rush out and enter to their police cars and head of  the city to find any illegal tournament fights and shut it down before it harm anyone else.


We see Guardian landing onto a roof of a building and walks along the roof until he land his one foot at the edge and looks down and we see he was at a fancy three story house as Guardian asked Kairi.

Guardian: You sure he is here?

Kairi: (radio) Positive. After a lot of hacking into this city's history including some history from Shemei, he is in the house you are in.

Sara: (radio) Be careful in there.

Guardian: I will. Contact you when ever I'm out.

After that Guardian leaps down of the roof but fire a grabble and swings over and lands his feet onto a wall and gose a little to the left and he used his X-Ray on his helmet to scane the inside of the room and see it was clear.

He opens the window and enters inside. The room was dark as Guardian walks in and looks around before finding a picture which he picks up and looks at before a voice in the darkness asked.

???: I see your a man that never heard of knocking.

Guardian turns and a lamp turns on and he sees a young boy that looked badly hurt and was on a wheel chair as he looks at Guardian with a smile.

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