Chapter 8: A new law, New order (Lemon)

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The town is now going down hill and the citizens are more scared now the before. Not only the fighters still gose on but the police are taking away their child to be apart of the fighters war as some parents try to do what ever they can to hide their kids or even try to fight back but in the end they were either arrested or killed by the police with their children taking away.

Even the children in the orphanage were being dragged to take part of this war while the city gose into choas. What's even more worse is that Guardian hasn't been seen for a long time, either he is busy fighting crime, gone into hiding or have giving up being a Vigilante. Still we see Akio sitting on chief Chikao's chair with a smirk on his face while Fuji, Asashi and Haruto burst into the office and Fuji was the first to yell at him.

Fuji: (anger) ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE! You just made us worse then the fighters!

Akio: (smirk) What are you talking about? When making this city a grest place remember?

Asashi: (anger) Yeah but arresting the chief and fucking take away every parents children on this city!

Haruto: (anger) Your a monster!

Akio: Oh I'm a monster? I'm a monster?! This fucking planet has been many monsters for years and all of us has ever done is sit there and do nothing! Well NOT ANYMORE! If those fighters want to get dirty, they will get dirty. Why not fight fire with fire.

Fuji: (anger) Your fuck up Akio. I thought we were friends but now, your just selfish and cruel.

Akio: (smirk) You can't talk back to me? I'm your boss.

Fuji: Not anymore.

He then throws his batch in front of Akio and Haruto and Asashi follow as well. Once that the trio leave Akio's office and slam the door. Akio smirks amd pulls out his phone and calls someone to deal with them.

We see the trio outside as they climb onto Fuji's car and they drive off. There were silence in the car ride as though run through their heads wonding what to do next.

Asashi: I can't believe this.

Haruto: Agree. This is so fucked up.

Fuji: So what should we do now?

Asashi: Well we can't just do nothing. We gonna do something to stop this.

Haruto: But how?

Asashi: Don't know. Maybe the Guardian can hel-

Fuji: No! We can't trust him.

Asashi: Why not?! He's the only person who can help!

Fuji: You've sene the footage in thr news. He beat up a squad of swat team and disappeared into the woods.

Asashi: but he saved Alex remember! He saved his life, those swat team could have been working for Akio.

Haruto: She has a point.

Fuji: Look we be fine without him. All we have to do is head to my place and we-

Suddenly a swat truck smashes qt the left side of the car as glass shattered as the car flips due to the strong impact and soon the car was flipped upside down.

The trio slowly open their eyes and shake their heads as their doors were open and they were dragged out by Swat team. They try to break free qnd even call out for help, but there were no help as they were dragged out of their cars and onto the street. They were set onto their knees and they were face to face by the swat team as they look down at them.

Swat team leader: Take aim.

They all raise their rifles at them which they realised they are gonna kill them and this was it for them. But before they could pull the trigger and motorcycles bike ride by them wuth no one riding on it but that's when two smoke bombs lands and smoke fills the air.

Ikkitousen harem x Male Vigilante reader: The guardian Where stories live. Discover now