Chapter 3

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"Hey, guys!" Poppy yelled out joyfully, skipping over to her group of friends.

"Hi, Poppy," they all greeted as soon as they saw her approaching.
"Did you find out about the grey troll?" Smidge asked curiously.

At the sound of Smidge's question, Poppy remembered the conversation about Branch, her smile instantly fading away.

"Oh yeah... Branch..." she said sadly, feeling bad for him being so sad. "My dad says he's grey because he's sad."
"Awwww!" the others awed in sadness.

"Maybe a sick beat will make him happy," Dj suggested, playing a quick tune on her wooferbug.

The other trolls danced to it, smiling, as the music made them happy.

"That's a great idea, Dj!" Poppy said, as the music stopped playing. "Maybe we can play it for him tomorrow in the Enchanted Forest!"
"Enchanted Forest?" the others questioned, raising an eyebrow in confusion. They had never heard of an Enchanted Forest before.

"Oh, yeah! My dad told me about a group of trolls who live out in the Enchanted Forest!" Poppy explained. "They can control nature, and we're going to meet them tomorrow!"

"Really!? We're going to an Enchanted Forest!? Sick!" Dj shouted.
"Yep. You guys are all invited," Poppy informed with a big smile.
"Yay!" they all cheered.

"Now I just need to invite Branch," Poppy said. "But... how do I find him?"

Trolls and the Enchanted Forest (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now