Chapter 15

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Branch ran as fast as he could, dragging Poppy behind him, trying to get her to safety.

"Get back here!" the Enchanted Forest troll yelled, chasing after them, quickly gaining speed.

"Why are we running!?" Poppy yelled up to Branch, as he pulled her forwards. "Because he's chasing us!" Branch replied, continuing to run.
"But Branch..." she said softly. "He's chasing us, because we're running..."

     Branch looked at her, continuing to run, as he dragged her behind him.

"Just... just run!" he yelled, knowing that they had to get away from this troll, even if he didn't know why...

The two children ran, quickly swerving around trees, until they reached a dead end, a large rock wall suddenly blocking their path.

"Oh no... oh no, no, no, no, no..." Branch muttered softly, stopping quick, as he looked at the wall in front of them, his eyes wide in fear.

He turned, looking back at the Enchanted Forest troll, who was now slowly approaching them, cackling softly.

"Got you now..." he said threateningly.

"Um... uh..." Branch mumbled, looking around frantically for a way to escape, as he and Poppy backed away slowly, their hearts racing in fear.

They backed up into the rock wall, Branch looking behind himself, the two children having nowhere left to run... they were doomed...

     Quickly, the little grey troll got in front of Poppy, putting out his arms to block her. He wasn't going to let this troll hurt her... no matter what...

"Stay back!" he yelled, trying to be intimidating, but his voice was shaky, and cracked a bit, as he spoke.

The Enchanted Forest troll continued to approach, laughing quietly, as Branch looked back at the wall behind them.

His eyes widened in shock, as he noticed a small ledge up the wall a little bit. That was it! That was their only chance of survival!

"Poppy..." he whispered, looking back at the Enchanted Forest troll, still standing in front of the young princess to protect her. "Do you think you can reach that ledge with your hair?"

She looked over at the wall, seeing the ledge Branch was gesturing at.

"I think so," she whispered back. "Why?"

"Pull yourself up there. You'll be safe," he told her, keeping his eyes locked on the approaching threat.

     Poppy gasped at his words, turning back to look at her friend in disbelief.

     "But... but what about you?" she asked, worried about what would happen to the grey troll if he stayed down there.

He shook his head, looking back at her sadly.

"I won't be able to get up there," he said softly. "I can't use my hair. But you can. Just go."

"But... but, Branch..." she said softly, tears forming in her eyes. There had to be another way. A way that they could both escape.

     "Go, Poppy!" he yelled, glaring back at her. "Go!"

Poppy blinked at his sudden outburst, but didn't move, looking at him with tear filled eyes.

     "Please, Poppy..." he whispered, looking straight at her, gazing into her beautiful pink eyes. "Please... go..."

     She looked at him one final time, and then nodded, quickly whipping her hair up, to pull herself safely onto the ledge.

     Branch gazed up at Poppy sadly, tears sparkling in his eyes, as she looked down at him in fear. She was safe... and that's all that mattered...

"Gotcha!" the Enchanted Forest troll yelled, suddenly grabbing onto Branch, and lifting him off of the ground by his overall strap.

"AHHH! No! Let me go!" Branch yelled out in terror, trying to break free, but he wasn't strong enough to escape the massive troll's grasp.

"Branch!" Poppy yelled out in fear, seeing this threat holding on tightly to the little grey troll.

     Quickly, Poppy began to climb off the ledge, heading down to save her friend.

"No, Poppy! Stay!" Branch yelled, seeing her climbing down from the only place she was safe.

She froze at the sound of his shout, looking down at him in sadness, but she listened... climbing back up onto the ledge.

     Branch smiled up at her, but his smile quickly faded, as the troll holding him suddenly shouted at her.

"Get down here, little girl!" the Enchanted Forest troll demanded sternly. "You two are coming with me."
"Don't move, Poppy!" Branch yelled up to her, his voice trembling in fear.
"You shut your mouth!" the Enchanted Forest troll yelled, looking Branch square in the eyes.

Branch gulped, shrinking down, as he looked up at the massive troll holding him, his ears drooping down in fear

The Enchanted Forest troll glared at the child hanging helplessly in his grasp for a moment, before finally looking back up at Poppy, who still stood up on the ledge, doing as Branch instructed.

"You coming down?" the Enchanted Forest troll called up to the young princess. "Or am I coming up?"

She looked at Branch, not knowing what to do. She wanted to climb off this ledge, and save her friend... but he had told her to stay...

     "Branch..." she whispered, tears flowing from her eyes, as she looked down at him.

     The little grey troll gazed up at her, fear and sadness painted all over his face. He knew exactly what she was thinking...

     He gazed into her eyes, slowly shaking his head, as he pleaded with her to stay where she was.

Slowly, she backed away, further onto the ledge, obeying Branch.

"Ugh!" the Enchanted Forest troll yelled out in anger, seeing the pink troll remaining on the ledge. "You know what... fine! This is the only one I need anyways." He lifted Branch up higher, looking at him with an evil grin.

Branch gulped, whimpering softly in fear, as the Enchanted Forest troll began to carry him away.

As the troll carried him away, Branch looked up at Poppy, as she looked right back down at him, her eyes wide in disbelief.

     He gave her a weak smile, as he tried to hold back his tears. She was safe... it didn't matter what happened to him... as long as she was safe...

"Branch..." Poppy whispered quietly, watching him get dragged out of sight, his eyes never leaving hers until he was completely gone. "No..."

Trolls and the Enchanted Forest (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now