Chapter 42

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     "Um..." Branch said quietly, standing at the edge of the cliff, not knowing what to do. He was completely trapped... a large cliff behind him and several trolls with pointy spears in front of him...

"Come with us now, or we'll bring you back to the Chief in pieces," one of the trolls said menacingly.

Branch looked back at them, slowly raising his fists.

"Stay... stay back," he warned, his voice trembling.

"Ha! What are you gonna do? You're out numbered," one of them chuckled, all of them stepping closer to Branch with their spears ready to impale him.

He gulped, and then took a deep breath, glaring at them, trying to hide his fear.

"I said... STAY BACK!" he yelled aggressively, ready to start punching. He wasn't going to give up without a fight.

The trolls all stopped their approach, suddenly staring at him in fear.

Their eyes widened, as they began to whimper, backing away slowly.

Branch looked at them, slightly confused. Were they really afraid of him?

"Uh... boo?" he said softly, raising an eyebrow.

Suddenly, all the trolls dropped their spears, screaming as they ran away in fear. "AHHHHH!"

Branch smiled, laughing quietly, as he watched them flee in terror.

"Yeah! That's right!" he yelled out after them, stepping forewords confidently. "You better run! Cuz when you mess with the Branch... you gotta leaf! Ha!"

He laughed loudly in victory, water suddenly dripping down onto his shoulder.

"Ha... ha... ha?"

     His laughing got quieter, and slower, as he began to get nervous again, slowly turning around.

"Oh, Frosting..." he muttered quietly, his eyes widening, as he saw a giant water-like dragon hovering above him. "Um... hi?" he said nervously, faking a smile, as he waved innocently.

The water dragon roared, Branch's smile instantly vanishing.

"AHHHHH!" he screamed, turning to run away, but the dragon quickly flew up ahead, landing in front of him. "Ahhh!" he gasped in fear, skittering to a stop, as he stumbled backwards, falling to his butt.

He looked up at the water dragon, as it slowly walked closer and closer to him.

It towered above him, slowly lowering its head, putting it's face right in Branch's face.

Branch looked at it, his eyes wide, as he breathed heavily, whimpering softly in fear.

'I'm dead... I'm dead... I'm gonna die... I'm dead...' he thought to himself in a panic, not knowing what to do.

The dragon sniffed the little troll, who shook rapidly in fear, staring up at it.

'It's gonna eat me!!!!' he shouted in his mind, cowering away in fear.

Suddenly... just when all hope was lost... the water dragon smiled, transforming into a dog, to jump on Branch, licking his face rapidly.

"AHHH! No! What are you doing!? Don't eat me! Please don't eat me!" Branch yelled, trying to push it off of him, but it was made of water, so his hands just went right through it. "Off! Get off!" he shouted, wiggling free, as he jumped up to his feet, panting heavily as he looked down at the creature in fear.

Trolls and the Enchanted Forest (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now