Chapter 26

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     "Hmmm..." Branch said rubbing his chin thoughtfully, as he sat down in his bunker at his chess board.

     He scratched his head, thinking carefully about his next move.

     "Maybe..." he said softly, slowly reaching for a piece, but before he actually grabbed it, he changed his mind, pulling his hand back quickly.

     "What about..." he said, reaching for a different piece, before pulling his hand away again. "No..." He thought carefully, finally smiling. "A-ha!" he shouted out in triumph. "I got you now, Gary!"

     He moved his piece, and then looked up at Gary, who was sitting across from him.

     "Your move, Gary," he said, smiling smugly, as he crossed his arms in victory, sure that he had just won.

     His smile faded however, as he looked at Gary, his eyes widening in shock.

     "Wait... what do you mean check mate!?" he shouted out in disbelief.

     He looked down at the board, seeing Gary had just beaten him.

     "Errr! That's the fifth game in a row!" he shouted. "I think you're cheating!"

     He stood, slamming his hands down on the table, in anger.

     "Hey!" Branch said suddenly, feeling rather offended by his son's 'words'. "I am not bad at chess!" He turned away, crossing his arms, as he muttered his next words softly. "You're just better at it than I am..."

     Branch paused for a moment, suddenly gasping, as he turned back to face his son.

     "Gary!" he shouted out in disbelief. "Watch your mouth! Where did you learn that word anyways?" He paused, 'listening' to Gary's explanation. "What? I've never said that," he denied. "What... no I... nugh-ugh. Gary... Gary... Gary stop!"

     Everything went silent for a moment, Branch taking a deep calming breath.

     "Ok, Gary..." he said calmly. "I'm not mad. I just want to know where you learned the word..." He paused, listening to his son once more, but as he listened, he began to get angry again, as the remote control sassed him. "Listen to me, young man!" he yelled angrily. "I have never used that kind of language in my life! I don't know where you heard it from, but it wasn't from me!"

     He turned, walking away in anger, accidentally stubbing his pinky toe on the leg of the table.

     "Ow! Frosting!" he shouted out loudly, grabbing his toe, as he hopped up and down on one foot, in pain.

     Finally, he stopped hopping, growling softly, as he glared over at Gary.

     "Stop laughing Gary," he muttered.

     He sighed, putting his foot back on the floor, as he turned back to his son.

     "Fine... you've made your point," he said, crossing his arms. "Maybe I do say the word... but that doesn't give you the right to say it."

     He listened for a moment, hearing his son's complaints.

     "Because I'm your father, and I make the rules," he said, holding his head high with pride. "I am too the boss of you, Gary," he suddenly yelled, glaring back down at the inanimate object. "You know what, Gary! I... no... no... don't say it... don't you say it... oh my god! You said it! That's it, young man! You are grounded until you are..."

     "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!" he suddenly heard, interrupting his rant.

     His ear twitched slightly, as he listened to the mysterious voice.

     "Did you hear that, Gary?" he whispered, looking around the room. "What!?" he yelled turning back to his son. "No I am not 'hearing' things. I am not crazy, Gary!"

     "Aaaaaaaaaaa!" he heard again, this time louder, as if it was in the same room he was currently standing in.

     He turned his head, looking around for where the noise had come from, but could see nothing out of the ordinary.

     "What do you mean, you didn't hear it?" Branch asked, looking to his remote control son. "Gary... Gary... quit judging me, Gary!"

     He plopped down in his chair angrily, crossing his arms.

     "I am not going crazy," he grumbled. "Shut up, Gary."


     "Ok! That's it!" he yelled, jumping back up to his feet. "I'm finding what ever is making that noise, and proving to you I'm not hearing things!"

     Without another word, he stormed out of the bunker, in search of whatever was making that noise.


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