Chapter 13

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Branch looked around, as he walked through the forest, searching for the other trolls. He needed to get Poppy back to her friends and family. He had to keep her safe, but it just seemed like they were heading in circles.

"Where... where are we?" Branch finally asked, stopping for a moment to look around.

Poppy looked around too, having no idea how to answer the question. She wasn't really that familiar with woods around troll village, never-mind the Enchanted Forest...

"Well... we're still in the Enchanted Forest," she replied, at least knowing that much. "See the trees?" She pointed up at one of the trees. "The leaves are all different colors," she continued. "I've only ever seen that in the Enchanted Forest."

     "Ok..." Branch said softly, nodding slowly, as he looked over at her. "But... that's not really helpful. The forest is huge... who knows how big the Enchanted Forest is... we could be miles away from civilization..."
"You... you mean we're lost!?" Poppy yelled in a panic, beginning to hyperventilate.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... it's ok, Poppy," Branch assured, trying to calm her down. He could see she was scared, and he wanted to help. He didn't want her to worry. "It's ok," he continued, taking her hands in his, as they gazed into each other's eyes. "We'll find our way back to the trolls. I promise."

Poppy looked at him for a moment, tears in her eyes, and then finally nodded.

"Ok..." she said softly. "I trust you, Branch..."

Branch smiled, leaning over to hug Poppy comfortingly.

"I thought you said no hugs..." Poppy joked with a smirk.
"Yeah..." Branch replied, smirking back. "But it looked like you could use one."

"Thanks, Branch..." she whispered to him, as she hugged him back, calming down, all of her fear fading away. She knew she was safe, as long as she was with Branch.

     "Get back to work!" they suddenly heard in a shout from off in the distance.

     Branch flinched at the sound, backing up a little, suddenly scared. He had that feeling again... the feeling that something bad was going to happen...

     "Hey!" Poppy said, smiling wide, as she recognized the voice. "I know who that is. That's Creek's dad!"

     She started to run off towards the voice, Branch's eyes widening as he watched her go.

     "Wait, Poppy! Don't..." But she was already gone. "Go..."

Trolls and the Enchanted Forest (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now