Chapter 7

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     The trolls all walked into the Enchanted Forest, Branch watching as they disappeared into the trees.

     He gulped, his heart racing.

There was this feeling deep in the pit of his stomach, telling him something bad was about to happen. As if something was calling out to him for help...

He wanted to go home. He wanted to just turn around and leave... but he knew he couldn't leave Poppy there. She was in danger, and he had to protect her.

     Slowly, he gathered up his courage, and then walked into the Enchanted Forest.


     In the Enchanted Forest, the trolls all ran around, exploring and making new friends.

     Some of the trolls sat around a cozy camp fire, watching as the flames danced in the pit, while others ran around, chasing the wind. 

     In a lake, the water shot up, making different shapes like hearts and stars, trolls admiring the beauty of it.

     Poppy watched amazed, as trolls, both from Troll Village and the Enchanted Forest, ran around together, laughing, playing, and dancing.

     From behind a tree, Branch watched Poppy, making sure she stayed safe.

     Something was gonna go wrong. He could feel it.

     As he stood behind the tree, watching the troll he cared so much about, the leaves on the ground behind him began to move, as if someone, or... something... was coming towards him.

     He was so focused on keeping Poppy safe, however... he didn't even notice the danger lurking right behind him.

     Slowly, the leaves began to circle around his feet, closing him in.

     "Hugh? What the..."

     He looked down, finally noticing the thing circling him, but it was too late...

     "AHHHHH!" he screamed, as the wind lifted him up off the ground. "AHHH! Help! Someone help!" he cried out in fear, as he floated in the air.

     Poppy heard his cries, and turned, seeing the wind bouncing him up and down slightly.

     "Branch?" she questioned, confused. But her confusion quickly turned to joy, as she realized he had come to the Enchanted Forest after all. "Branch!" she yelled out excitedly. "You came!"

     She ran over, stopping in front of him, as she looked at the swirling vortex of wind holding him captive.

     "How are you doing that?" she asked amazed, seeing him floating in mid-air.

     "I... I don't know..." he whimpered in reply. "P... please get me down!"
"Here," Poppy said, reaching up towards him. "Grab my hand."

     He reached down to her, trying to grab onto her hand, so he could get back down to the ground safely, but he was too high up, so Poppy stood up on her tip-toes, reaching up farther to try and grab her friend's hand.

     Their hands finally touched, as Poppy tried to pull him back down to the ground, but the wind fraught back, pulling Branch up higher into the air.

     "AHHH!" he screamed, as their hands were pulled apart, the wind suddenly beginning to twist away, like a mini tornado, carrying Branch with it.

     "AHHH!" he screamed, as their hands were pulled apart, the wind suddenly beginning to twist away, like a mini tornado, carrying Branch with it

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(Drawn by littlekitty1346)

"Poppy!" he cried out in fear, as he was carried away.

Trolls and the Enchanted Forest (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now