Chapter 5

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In the morning, Poppy and her friends got ready to travel to the Enchanted Forest, talking amongst each other happily.

"Oh my gah! This is gonna be so great!" Smidge said, jumping up and down with joy. "Yes! I can't waaaaaaiiiiittttt!" Guy sang in auto tune.

Everyone was excited to see the Enchanted Forest, and meet the new trolls, but Poppy was standing away from the group, looking off into the forest.

"Poppy?" Creek said softly, noticing the sadness on Poppy's face. "What's wrong?"

He walked over to her, placing his hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

"I... I just..." She sighed, lowering her head. "I know he said he wasn't going to come... but... I was kinda hoping he would change his mind."
"Who?" Creek asked.

Creek rolled his eyes, pulling his hand away from Poppy's shoulder, so he could cross his arms.

"That grey freak? Why would you want him to come," he asked with a slight attitude. "Because, Creek. He's my friend," Poppy answered.
"Psh... you don't want to be 'friends' with a troll like him."
"What do you mean?"

Poppy looked at him confused, not understanding what he was saying.

"He's dangerous, Poppy. Everyone he loves dies," he said harshly.
"N... no... that... that can't be true," Poppy said, her eyes wide in disbelief. "What about his family?"
"The freak has no family," Creek scoffed.

She looked away sadly at Creek's words.

"He... he's alone?" Poppy asked quietly. "That's so sad. No wonder why he's grey."
"Don't pitty the fool," Creek said, scrunching his nose. "It's his own fault. And if you try to be friends with him, the same thing will happen to you."

"No," Poppy said softly, looking back into the forest. "You're wrong Creek. Branch has a heart of gold. I can see it."
"Hey... I'm just trying to keep you safe," he said. "I love you, Poppy."

Poppy smiled, looking back at him.

"I love you too, Creek."

Her smile faded, as she looked back into the forest.

"But..." she continued. "I'm not giving up on him. He deserves to be happy. No one should be all alone forever."

Creek sighed, rolling his eyes.

"What ever," he scoffed. "It's your funeral."

He turned, walking away from her, as she continued looking off into the forest, waiting for Branch to come out.

"Ok, everyone," King Peppy announced. "It is time to go into the Enchanted Forest!"

Everyone cheered excitedly, following King Peppy.

Poppy sighed, and then turned, following the rest of the group.

"I guess he's really not coming..." she muttered to herself softly, her head low, as she walked off into the forest with the others.


Behind a tree, Branch was hiding, watching and listening to the whole thing.

He peeked out from behind the tree, watching the group of trolls leave. Almost the whole village was there.

"No, Branch..." he whispered to himself. "Don't even think about it."

He watched Poppy, as she began to fade into the distance, running to catch up with her friends.

"But... what if something happens? What if there's danger, and she needs me to help her, but I'm not there?"

Branch gulped, trying to decide what to do.

"The others will protect her. She'll be fine."

He turned, starting to walk away.

"Don't turn around... don't turn around... don't turn..."

He paused, turning around.

"Ugh!" he groaned. "I can't believe I'm doing this!"

Quickly, he ran off into the forest, following Poppy stealthily.

Trolls and the Enchanted Forest (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now