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🛑🛑🛑A/N Please make sure you re-read this chapter if you already have, I changed some wording to show where Jungkook's head is. 🛑🛑🛑


"Did you see him making out with his stepson, he's making this easier than I ever could of dreamed", I said happily, "little Seokjin is going to play the perfect part in helping me bring Jungkook down, I have waited 7 years for this opportunity and it's practically falling into my lap." "You aren't going to hurt Seokjin are you, he seems like such sweet kid, my brother says concerned. "Since when do I give a fuck about anyone else's feelings, Seokjin is just collateral damage, it's Jungkook I want to see suffer, and if watching his precious stepson suffer brings him pain, so be it", I say with venom in my voice.


When we got home Jungkook pulled me into his arms, "you drove me crazy tonight Seokjin, fuck you not only looked fucking delicious but then you drooled over that guy all night." "Just like you were drooling all over that female", I try to push him off me. "I did no such thing, I did not find her appealing at all especially with you sitting next to me, you looked so fucking good", he says palming my dick thru my pants. 

I let out a throaty moan and bucked my hips up into his hand, needing more friction. Jungkook dropped to his knees and yanked my pants down my thighs, "fuck you aren't wearing underwear, why are you so naughty." He took my cock into his mouth, finally he is giving himself to me and his mouth is amazing, "yes Kookie, just like that." This is what I wanted for so long, I want him to be mine fully, I feel the knot in my stomach getting ready to explode, "fuck I am going to cum and when I did he moaned and he took it all, swallowing every drop.

He sat there for a minute, catching his breath, looking at nothing, "what the fuck did I just do." He put his head in his hands and repeated what the fuck over and over again. I pulled my pants up and sat on the floor next to him and I held him, he pushed me away, "GET AWAY FROM ME." He stood up and walked to the other side of the room. 

"What did I do wrong", I cried, "what did I do." "Nothing Seokjin, it was my fault, I never should have touched you like that, you are still underage and I am your legal guardian, if anyone ever found out I'd be in so much trouble", he says running his hand thru his hair. "Jungkook give me a break, I will be 18 in a few days, ya know what, forget it I am so tired of this back and forth bullshit, you have my head spinning, one minute you act like you want me and the next you are pushing me away, Fuck you Jungkook", I ran up to my room and slammed the door.


I'm such an idiot, why do I keep hurting him this way, I know I love him, I know I shouldn't, but I cant stay away, he truly is my weakness, it angered me to see him fawning all over that guy Yoongi and I can tell he really took a liking to Seokjin, I need to find out what he wants and why he is so interested in Seokjin. I hear my cell phone ringing and when I locate it I see Kwan left me a voicemail...

Kwan:  Come to my office tomorrow morning we have an important matter to discuss

Shit what does he want now, for being the CEO I have no say in anything as long as he is there, I went upstairs and stopped at Jin's door, he has the music blaring so even if I knocked he probably wouldn't hear it anyway, so I made my way to my bedroom, tore my clothes off and laid in bed. Laying in the dark, quiet darkness I can still taste Jin on my tongue, fuck he is sweet, I could do that all day and live a very happy life, I raise my hand to my face and smell him on my fingers, I should be feeling horrible for doing this but I cant help it, I hold my hand over my nose as I shove my other hand down my pants and grab my growing erection. Picturing Jin naked and riding me, his perfect abs tight as he bounces on my cock, I stroke myself hard and didn't last long, I cried out Jin's name as I came all over myself, with tears in my eyes because my heart is longing to be with the one person I shouldn't be wanting.

I woke up the next morning and Jin wasn't in his room, I wonder where he went to this early, I made my way downstairs and see a plate with a note...

Morning Jungkookie -

Eat your Breakfast, I went out for a bit with Jimin, have a good day at work, Ill see you at dinner.

Love, Seokjin

He still loves me, no matter how much I fuck up, no matter how much I push him away he still loves me, dumb kid, I have to keep my eye on the prize and that's the company, that's why I did all this to begin with, not to fall in love with a boy, he could ruin everything and that cant happen, knowing that Kwan's friend thinks he can just walk in and take what's mine he is crazy and so is Kwan if he thinks he is in charge, I dirtied my hands for this, and Ill be damned if anyone takes it.

I walked into Kwan's office and my anger flared as I see Yoongi sitting there, Hoseok is also there, "Good Morning everybody, what's this all about." "Jungkook my boy I have been thinking long and hard about this and for the good of the company and to help us become an unstoppable force, you will marry my daughter Laura", Kwan says. "Excuse me, I'm going to do what..."

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