A Good Show

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I look really good in this outfit, Taehyung has amazing taste in fashion, I stare at myself in the mirror and cant believe how grown up I look. Tae walks up behind me and admires me in the mirror, "your beauty takes my breath away, oh what you do to me Seokjin." He kisses my neck and I moan, his kisses are so sinful, I feel so sexy when he touches and talks to me, "Taehyungie." "You are going to be strong for me today, you are going to show Jungkook that you don't need him, I know you can do it", he says wrapping his arms around me. "Yes, I promise to be strong for you, I won't let them get to me", I say with conviction, but my heart is still in pain knowing Kook lied to me. 

We arrived at the Lee mansion and Taehyung helps me out of the limo, he wraps his arm tightly around my waist and as we walk up the stairs, "Taehyung", I look up to see RM standing there. "You can call me Namjoon", he laughs giving me a hug. "Is Jimin coming", I ask. "Do you think he would like too", he asks. "He would love it, anything to get dressed up and show off his fine ass", I giggle, I feel Tae squeeze my waist, I look at him and smile, is he jealous. Tae walked me inside and I couldn't believe it, it was like a palace, this place was a unbelievable, its huge. "Holy shit", I whisper. Taehyung looks at me and smiles, "come on I want you to meet my father." 

We walked into an office and I see Kwan and another gentleman sitting at a table drinking Soju and laughing, "Ah Taehyung its about time you got you here and who is this gorgeous young man." "Dad this is Seokjin, my fiancé", Taehyung says proudly. "Wooo nice job son you will be very successful with him by your side", Taehyung's father says. "I think so to, Seokjin this is my dad Ju-Won and you already know Kwan", he says. I bow, "Its very nice to meet you Sir, its nice to see you again Mr. Lee." "Okay you two stay here and I am going to announce you to the guests", Ju-Won says.


The backyard is crowded with some very important people, some of Korea's most successful CEOs and Executives', I haven't seen Kwan yet but Laura is walking around talking to some of the spouses, like she is already a spouse, this is what she was raised to do, it's disgusting. I grab a champagne off the tray passing by and walk to the edge of the lawn away from everyone, I can't help but to worry about Jin and where he could be, I need him back with me, he is an important piece to all this. 

"What are you thinking about over here all by yourself", Laura says holding my hand. "Nothing", I say pulling my hand out of hers, "why aren't you out there kissing their ass, why bother me." "Jungkook you better get used to this and get used to me because I am not going anywhere, is that understood, daddy would never allow it", she whines. I roll my eyes, "go away Laura." Just then Kwan and another gentleman step out onto the patio steps and get everyone's attention. "Welcome everyone, I have an announcement to make", he says.

"I want you all to meet the new CEO of TaeWon Inc. and new partner to Kim Industries, Kim Taehyung and his gorgeous fiancé Kim Seokjin", Kwan claps and hugs Taehyung and then Jin. The glass slipped from my hand and the shock that took over my body rendered me immobile, I didn't even hear Laura talking to me, not only is Seokjin here, he is with Kim fucking Taehyung and did I hear fiancé, excuse me. I walk over to the crowd gathered around them and with Laura hanging on me I make my way through until I am standing in front of them. 

"Jeon Jungkook, long time no see, let me introduce you to my fiancé Kim Seokjin, Jinnie, this is my old friend from high school Taehyung", Taehyung says, "Laura its nice to see you again, Seokjin this is Jungkook's fiancé Laura Lee", she coo's holding my arm tighter. Jin and I haven't taken our eyes off each other, his with hurt and anger and mine with apologies and pain, he looks so beautiful, I want to take him in my arms and hold him tightly telling him I am sorry over and over again. I glare at Taehyung and just smirks, "we better go, we have more people to meet, maybe we'll talk later Laura and Jungkook it was nice seeing you again." I see the smugness on his face and I want to punch him so bad.


Taehyung hasn't let go of me for a minute, seeing Jungkook with that woman again made me want to vomit, but I stood tall and confident, we stared at each other and I saw the hurt in his eyes that I was with someone else, I hope he saw my hurt to because he chose her over me. "Taehyungie, I need to use the washroom", I whisper. He kisses me, "I'll be right here hurry back." I walked away and asked a waiter where the bathroom is, he pointed it out and I made way thru the crowd of people. 

Once inside I leaned against the door and tried to catch my breath, so much going on and going thru my head all at once, I leaned against the sink and turned the cold water, splashing some on my face. I heard the door open, "someone's in here." I felt arms around me and I was being turned around, "Jungkook, what are you doing." His hands find my face and then his lips are on mine, I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him back, leaning into his touch, he tastes so good and I miss his smell. "Jinnie, my Jinnie, not his, mine", he whines, "please tell me you don't love him, please Jinnie, please say you are still mine."

"You are engaged Jungkook, how can I be yours, what am I going to be your dirty little secret, I refuse Jungkook", I try to push past him. He holds me to his chest, kissing me again, grabbing my ass making me feel his erection. I push on him hard and he stumbles, "you chose that skank over me, fuck you Jungkook." I ran out of the bathroom and tried looking for Taehyung but I couldn't find him anywhere, I started to panic, I couldn't catch my breath. I start to cry, when I feel someone grab me and hold me tight, "Taehyungie", I breathed. "I'm here Jagiya, what happened", he says kissing my hair. "I couldn't find you, I looked everywhere but I couldn't find you", I sob. "I'm here now, calm down, its okay", he says rubbing my back, "do you want to go home." I look at him, "please take me to your home", I beg. "Of course Jagiya, that's where you belong", he says leading me outside.

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