Chap 6:

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Chap 6:

Blake's POV :
Next morning:
I could sense that the pack was here and that they crossed the border. We all gathered outside and some sluts came over and sat on my knees stroking me... I didn't stop them I couldn't stop thinking about Lauren.

She was 16 when she left 2 years so she must be around 18 now... I'm 19 and have told the pack I havent found her yet as in my mate. Lies!! All the girls were sad I wasn't theres.

Suddenly there came the cars and a bike on the back of the jeep. Nice bike!! I wonder if Lauren has a car or bike... See my problem she won't leave my mind I need her... I fell for her I wish I new sooner.

"Hello I'm the Alpha corey mateless and this is my beta Nash and my third in command is just a bit angry so is venting in your woods," they came and shook my hand a little to fierce if you ask me! But I didn't mind just maybe it was done by accident by both or them??

"I'm Blake alpha mateless," I swear I saw him twitch as I said I was mateless, I decided against telling about Lauren. I shrugged it of though "this is my beta Damon and I don't have a third in command,"

"So can we see your best fighters?" He asked

"Yep this way," I was taking them to alf and zach. They were fighting and probs betting who would win. "Can he fight our best fighter "

"Yeah were is he,"
"Who said it was a he?" Wait it's a girl... Whet?!!?! He went and whispered something to his beta and then a beautiful wolf jumped out and ran in between Nash and corey.

"Hey princess," Nash spoke "so you gonna fight Alfred over there?" She nodded and corey patted her head. They circled each other for abit before alf jumped at her going for her neck but within seconds he was on the floor bowing in submission. Wtf he never submits she is brilliant can't wait to train the pack.

She walked over to corey he patted her head and said " you can go to your room now," and she left.

Those boys turned away to go with her before Nash said "no one will bother her today at all, we will be attending the school tomorrow but the boys will join you for dinner," we nodded and they went. I couldn't help but wonder what she looked like in human form...

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