Into The New Universe

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You might have read many similar stories most probably "The Green Knight Of Kuoh" it is an Izukuxharem story but the main ship is IzukuxMomo. Its basically my favorite ship. And I take no hate over it.

3rd Person's POV

It all starts as we see Izuku looking a little older and buffer then before. He had finally defeated Shigaraki and brought peace. But everything has a price. Izuku had to pay the price of many of his loved ones. Amongst them was his mother, pro hero Midnight, Endeavour, All Might, Gran Torino and few other pros. Aizawa lost one of his legs. It was disastrous but the outcome was worth it. If at the cost of a few hundred deaths, They were able to save billions then he would do it in the blink of an eye. But he still regretted not being able to save them. He was walking back from the battlefield bruised and battered almost on the verge of death, when suddenly he was sucked into a void. Everywhere he looked it was just darkness and nothing else. He floated for a few minutes looking to see if someone was there but no. After some time two other portals opened up and revealed two dragons. One was crimson red and the other was a majestic white.

Both dragons looked at one another and let out roars

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Both dragons looked at one another and let out roars. They looked at each other with hatred until the red dragon spoke.

???: What are you doing here Albion?

The white dragon now known as Albion looked at the red dragon in disdain and replied with a sneer.

Albion: I can ask you the same thing Ddraig. What are you doing coming near my soon to be host?

Ddraig: Well I came here to meet my new host. His power is far beyond any human. He is indeed worthy of my power.

Albion: Not before I make him my host.

Ddraig: Oh please! I can give him God like powers and make him the greatest.

Albion: Well I can do the same.

Izuku who was looking at them from the side lines was now getting irritated. Why the fuck are two enormous dragons bickering like children over a host? So he decided to intervene.

Izuku: Okay listen up. I don't care who the fuck your host is and I couldn't care less. But if you two are going to keep on bickering over it then just tell me a way out of this void.

Albion: You are my host Izuku Midoriya. I can grant you the power to divide the power of other beings and attacks by half every 10 seconds. You would become legendary.

Ddraig: He is wrong. You will be my host and I can grant you the power to boost your strength every 10 seconds. So you will be my host.

Izuku: Wait! You were bickering over me becoming host to one of you?

Albion/Ddraig: Yes/Indeed.

Izuku: Why don't I become host to both of you? I already have 8 spirits living in me, 2 more wouldn't hurt.

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