Secrets out

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3rd Person's POV

After hearing Momo greet them the whole ORC went on guard. They tried to look as casual as can be but Izuku and Momo have fought in a war. They can tell by the look in a person's eyes about what they are thinking. Rias sat straight up and raised an eyebrow.

Rias: So you know who I am. Then you would also know that you are in my domain. Kiba told me that you possess a Sacred Gear. He says your eyes glowed before your fight outside the school. Why reveal it and what is your Sacred Gear?

Izuku: Well you should be bothered about the wielder of Oborotsuki. Issei Hyoudou. Since your spy is still in the room then my guess is that you have sent a familiar after him. He might need you soon. The fallen angel is getting restless.

The whole ORC was dumbfounded. Izuku didn't give off any magical powers so it was clear he was human. Now he suddenly told them about a thing that was being worked on. How did he know this much?

Izuku: Before you ask I know about a lot more things then just your missions. I also know about a certain someone who is acting all calm but is truly scared from the inside.

Rias: I'm not scared.

Izuku: You just confirmed it.

Suddenly Izuku felt a sharp object on his throat. He looks from the corner of his eye to see Kiba standing there with a sword on his neck. Usually Izuku would have dodged or by now killed Kiba. But he had other things in mind.

Izuku: Tch! Tch! Tch! You should know better than that Kiba. You shouldn't attack someone about whom you know nothing of.

Kiba: Except of my name and my title as a devil you know nothing about me as well.

Izuku: That's when you're wrong. I know who you are. You are the wielder of the Sacred gear known As Sword birth. You haven't achieved your balance breaker. You can't even achieve it until and unless you accept the past and align your wishes with the wishes if your lost Comrades. You need to let your emotions be released. After all! A sacred gears true strength is released when their wielder feels true raw emotions.

Rias: What is your point? How do you know so much about my servants and How are you so calm when your sacred gear isn't even activated? It would take at least a few seconds and that is enough for Kiba to cut your neck off. As for your girlfriend she doesn't look to have skills as good as you.

Izuku: Well that is when you're wrong. My girlfriends skill is more then enough for her to take on your Rook and Knight. As for my sacred gear, I just need to activate it on a certain place and it would be the end for Kiba. While my point was to distract you.

Suddenly They hear the dripping of water and a light appears behind Izuku. Kiba feels a sharp sensation on his stomach and looks down to see a spear made your of water is pushed against his abdomen on a vital point. Holding the spear is a child no older then 10 or 11 and behind him is a girl who is glowing. A horn appears on the right side of her forehead and it grows.

Izuku: Good Job kids. Now stand down. Go to your mom.

Kota: But papa he is holding a sword on your neck. Tell him to move that and I will go to mama.

Eri: Yeah! How dare he touch papa? I will make him go bye bye if he doesn't remove it.

Izuku and Momo's eyes widen at this. They had taught Kota and Eri about everything. Even going as far to teach them about killing and vital points in fights. Eri and Kota were dangerous if not kept in check by Izuku. And if Eri or Kota made a move a new war would start all over.

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