Spies And A New Recruit

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3rd Person's POV

Izuku with his family is seen sitting in the ORC. He had just finished explaining about how Kalawarner working for him and gave him the information about all the fallen angel activity.

Rias: So how did you convince her to work for you?

Izuku: I didn't convince her. I just kicked her butt till she told me everything. After that I decided to help her and boom here we are.

Koneko: Why did Your kids use senjutsu? Its dangerous.

Izuku: Senjutsu isn't dangerous. You just need to know how to control it. As for why. Well I taught them how to. Someone helped me learn and in the end I helped them. Now anything else?

Rias: No! Well since Asia is a new recruit we will go to the familiar forest today.

Asia: Familiar?

Akeno: Familiars are animal guides used by devils to help them around in different chores. Like distributing the magic circles and other things.

Issei: Then why didn't I get one before?

Rias: Because it wasn't the time to go to the familiar forest. Now we'll show you our familiars. Issei you might recognize my familar.

Suddenly out of a small magic circle beside Rias cane out a bat. Then there was a poof and in place of the bathroom stood a woman Issei was all too familiar with. It was the cosplay woman who gave him the magic circle at the day of his date.

Then beside Akeno a small demon appeared. Issei on instinct called it an imp.

They heard a meow and saw a white cat in Koneko's arm. She called it Shiro.

Kiba's familiar was out for a job so he didn't call it. But said that it was badass. Eri was gushing over the cat. Same with Kota, Momo and Izuku. They were all huge cat people. Not from the start but after staying with Aizawa and earning the title of #1 and #3 problem child. They were close and he was probably the biggest cat person alive. After patting Shiro's head once, Izuku patted Koneko's head. Koneko's Nekoshou instincts kicked in and she leaned into his touch releasing her cat ears and tails. Yes tails. She had two tails out letting out occasional moans of  Izuku kept patting her for a while and she was rubbing her head against his hand. Soon her head was in Izuku's lap. Izuku was amused but happy. Koneko had opened up about her feelings. Not completely but it was still progress.

Rias Gremory was shocked to say the least. Her most emotionless servant was acting like a little cat. She even released her Nekoshou features. She only did this when she absolutely needed to. Not in battle but when her body was almost about to explode by keeping her features in. This was a shock to her. She never showed her cat features to someone she had just met. Even she had only seen them 5 times. But here she (Koneko) was snuggling into the hands of a stranger. Everyone was too shocked to say a word. Well almost everyone.

Issei: WHAT THE F-.

Momo: And he ruined the moment. Can't you keep your mouth shut for a few minutes.

Koneko had a prominent blush on her face and she had jumped to the other side of the couch due to the scream. Soon she realized that her cat features were out. She was about to panic but Izuku shut her up by giving her more comforting head pats and rubbing her back. She immediately lied down in Izuku's lap again. Rias had her mind blown. She looked at Momo who was giving head pats to Eri and Kota. Eri seemed to be enjoying them but Kota tried to act tough but by the smile and blush on his face, you could tell her was enjoying it. Momo had realized Rias was looking at her direction and made eye contact with her. Rias mouthed the words.

Rias: How is he doing that?

Momo: Don't underestimate the power of the mighty head pats.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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