Power Unleashed.

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Momo: Don't harm my house.

Sirzechs: You mean that this physical augmentation isn't at its peak strength?

Izuku: No! Like I said. The tip of the iceberg. You see what is in front of you is partial hundred percent of my full strength. I have many more abilities. Elemental manipulation is one of them. I still have some abilities. Let me show you.

He opened his palm and black tentacle like substances came out. It was black whip.

Izuku: This is black whip. It allows me to create black tentacles from all of my body. I can harden and sharpen them to my own will creating weapons. Next is Float. Pretty self explanatory. Gives me the ability to fly. Another is Danger Sense. I can sense any kind of malicious intent near me. Another is Smokescreen. I can produce smoke from my body. It usually is a way to trick my enemy or make a tactical retreat.

Sirzechs: Can you show us?

Izuku: Sure.

Izuku soon started to float in the air and his body gave off a thick layer smoke covering the surroundings and the people. Soon a clap was heard and the smoke cleared.

Izuku: I use it to fight off hordes of enemies. Like a classic hit and run tactic. Now I have one more physical enhancement. It uses the store kinetic energy in my body giving me huge bursts of speed and power. I have another one which is called berserk. The angrier I get the stronger I get. The only drawback is if I store the anger for too long I might go berserk. Hence the name.

Sirzechs: Then how do you handle it? You don't seem like the ones who swallow anger.

Izuku: I don't. I just send off all the access anger which I can't handle as pure killer intent. It acts as a great intimidation factor.

Sirzechs: Well just one more question. How do you plan on being a medium of unity amongst the 3 fraction?

Izuku: Well i do have a plan for that. But it will take a few more months.

Sirzechs: You have my support for it. But I might Have to bother you from time to time.

Izuku: Don't worry Sirzechs Lucifer. As a human living in the area assigned to your sister I have been making sure to keep an eye out for stray devils and Fallen Angels. Have no fear. Until and unless I am breathing I can assure you that your sister and her peerage will be safe.

Akeno: Wait! Is that the reason stray devils haven't been appearing. If those who have been are extremely weak.

Izuku: Well yeah! The stronger ones are being taken care of by my family. My kids do need some experience on the battlefield.

Sirzechs: Aren't you afraid they might get hurt?

Izuku: Why wouldn't I be? They are my kids after all. But If I can't even trust them to take their first step, what kind of a father would I be? We both know the feeling of war. We know about the fear of loosing your people to war. If I can't trust them to even win their battles , How can I trust them to win their wars?

Grayfia: But why are you forcing them to learn about the worlds worst at such a young age? I also have a kid but he doesn't fight.

Izuku: There is a difference between us Ms Grayfia. You know that if you aren't their anymore, others would be there for your kid due to your title and honor in the Underworld. But my kids have already seen the world at its worst. They are learning to fight because they know as well as I do. I am not immortal. Neither is Momo. If we aren't there no one will help them. I always thought that there would always be a hero to save you from danger. I know for as long as i am alive I can take care of them. But what about after me? There won't be anyone to help them. They have to become their own hero when the time comes. They are just training for that time. If you think I am being too strict ask my kids. They are the ones who told me to train them.

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