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3rd Person's POV

It has been 1 weeks since Sirzechs' visit and nothing note worthy has happened except for the fact Issei was attacked by a fallen angel and he was able to stop her off of her 1/3 of a swimsuit by using a little bit of magic. Yeah! He is a huge pervert. Anyways, Everyone is right now seated in the ORC and Rias is scolding Issei for going near a church and talking to a nun. Izuku had a small smirk on his face which was returned by Momo.

Momo: Come on Rias. Maybe your Pawn has found you a new Bishop. Seeing she had an ability to summon two rings on her middle fingers and heal with them. I think we know what Sacred Gear that is. Don't be so hard on a newbie.

Izuku: You know Momo is right. If what Issei said is true then she is a sheep in a lion's den. If you use your brain then you might see that with her nature she can be easily fooled. The Fallen Angels are after her Sacred Gear. Twilight Healing. Extremely useful if learned how to be used.

Rias: So you suggest that we just rush in to the church and start killing Fallen Angels?

Kota: Well you would be an idiot if you can't even learn when to use your own strategy. What dad said is pretty simple. We wait till the time they extract her Sacred Gear. As far as I know. Sacred Gears are linked to a person's soul. If they do extract it then  it would be equivalent to killing her. When they try to extract the sacred gear we attack. By that time the nun would have learned the dark side of the Fallen Angels And with Mr pervey pants here being her friend she wouldn't think much before joining you. Think technical.

Izuku: Well Kota you are indeed correct but no need to be rude. They are nice people. Apologize to them.

Kota: Sorry for being rude. But you still need to be a little more strategic. You can't afford to make mistakes. Not just because your brother is a Maou. But for your own future. One slip up and you might be someone's slave.

Izuku: Well he got you there. Now as he said we wait for the extraction. But be on your guard. Since she is new, she would most likely be introduced to the dirty work tonight. So there is a high level chance that you might be contacted by a stray exorcist by using a human as bait. Now back to the topic at hand. As he said her name is Asia Argento. If I am not wrong she was recently exiled for healing a devil in Italy. I was a little annoyed by the fact they didn't even look into the fact she was following their God's teachings. She was accused to having a power to heal devils and Fallen Angels and called a witch. No one supported her and she was exiled. She is extremely pure of heart to the point she has an unusual amount of dragon affinity.

Momo: They didn't ask for her background story. And you have started one of your muttering storms. Chill for once.

Izuku: Aaahhhh! Sorry.

Momo: What he is trying to say is that she is pure hearted and will be an amazing asset to you.

Rias: Thank you for informing us. Oh! A call for Kiba. Issei you take it for experience.

Issei immediately took his cycle and took off. Izuku and Momo shared a look of concern. They had a bad feeling about this.

Eri: Papa I have a bad feeling about this.

Akeno: Ara~ Ara~! Why do you say that? The person who called is a regular for Kiba.

Eri: I don't know. It just doesn't feel right.

Izuku: She is correct. Danger sense is going haywire. We should be ready to move.

*Few Minutes Later*

Rias: Oh My! Issei is in trouble. A stray exorcist is at his location. Prepare the magic circle.

Izuku: Told you.

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