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3rd Person's POV

Issei: Wait! Let me get this straight. You guys are devils except Midoriya and his girlfriend. There are Fallen Angels and Angels. Yuuma is a Fallen Angel. Fallen angels want devils dead. And you want me to become a devil?

You see after Izuku saved Issei, Yuuma left and Izuku brought Issei to the ORC. They have just finished explaining about the devils angels and Fallen Angels.

Rias: That does sum it up.

Issei: What is in it for me?

Izuku: When a devil gets powerful and responsible enough they leave their previous peerage and create their own. You can have many servants who will be willing to do anything you want. You can achieve your dream. Also while you work for Rias you will get power and Rias will have a powerful servant. It is a win win situation.

Issei: You mean I can become a harem king?

Izuku: If that's what you want.

Issei: But how will I be strong. In battle I only know about archery. And it wouldn't be that useful. I maybe okay with fighting one or two humans but devils. I don't think I can.

Izuku: When you become a devil, you gain Magic abilities and wings. If you train hard enough you can be extremely powerful. Also you have a sacred gear.

Issei: What is a sacred gear and I don't think I have any?

Izuku: This is getting annoying. Tell me when you hold a bow and arrow, how do you feel? The exact feeling.

Issei: I feel like I am in my natural element. I feel a rush of power and comfort.

Izuku: And you are good at it as well.

Issei: Yeah! I was always skilled with archery.

Izuku: Exactly. Now I want you to focus. Look deep within your body and try to find a source of power. A place where you believe most of your power resides. Once you find it, draw it out into your left hand. Emotions and desires. They are the key of achieving ultimate power. Need of power is just your desire when it is at its peak.

Issei followed the command he was given. He suddenly felt a massive increase in his physical powers. Like they were multiplied by 3. He also felt a powerful sensation in his left hand. He opened his eyes to see a beautiful bow.

 He opened his eyes to see a beautiful bow

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Ignore the arrow

Issei: Wow!

These were the only words that left his mouth. In his hand was a beautiful black bow. He was mesmerized by it.

Izuku: Ain't she a beauty?

Issei: Where are the arrows?

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