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3rd Person's POV

Izuku's group which consisted of Issei, Izuku, Kota, Eri, Kiba and Koneko was now standing in front of The Abandoned Church. Izuku looked at Koneko and nodded as she walked up and kicked down the door of the Church. Danger sense was going ape shit in Izuku's head but he learned to handle it while still noticing even the slightest bit of danger. Izuku closed his eyes and focused on the danger signatures. There were around 100 or so stray priests and exorcists. One of them was actually in front of them. Izuku opened his eyes and sensed eyes on him. He looked at the direction and saw Eri and Kota giving him puppy eyes.

Izuku: Oh! Nah ah! Not happening.

Kota: But dad-

Izuku: Nope. You will get your chance but not on this one. This one is mine.

Kiba: What are you arguing about?

Izuku: Oh! We were discussing about who would handle the priest in front of us.

???: HAHAHHA! So you sensed me shitty devil worshipper? I will enjoy killing you slowly and painfully. After I kill you I might enjoy myself with the two little girls.

Izuku didn't let him even blink after the sentence. He was punched with the speed of a cheetah and the strength of an elephant and blasted through the wall into the forest. From what it looked like it seemed that Freed was a bullet to which the hammer of the gun made contact with.

Izuku: Huh! Barely using 8% and he was blasted like that. Big talk for a vermin. Now back to the girl.

Issei: Where are the others? Asia should be here. She isn't here. WHERE IS SHE?

Izuku: Relax. She is underground. There are some stairs that goes from under the alter. Koneko, Punch it.

Koneko obliged and punched the alter revealing a passageway. Everyone started going down. Kiba was ready with his hand on her sword. Kota had water droplets dripping from his fingers. Eri's horn had started to become visible. Issei had Oborotsuki in his hand with his other hand on the string. Koneko cracked her knuckles as for Izuku. Well if you looked close enough you would notice a little bit of Mist surrounding him. Soon they reached a door behind which they could sense a huge amount of killer intent. Izuku decided to be a gentleman and knock.


The door was knocked off its hinges and all the attention was towards Izuku and the group. The people in the room were a few hundred exorcists, Dohanseek, A beat up Raynare and Asia tied to a cross.

Izuku: Wow! A party and we weren't invited.

R.Exorcist: Hey! Who are you?

Izuku: Kids. Let's show them how we party.

As soon as Izuku said this Kota and Eri's legs were covered in a bluish green glow. Their speed increased by ten folds and Kota created two swords with his quirk. Eri took out two daggers from her sleeves and rushed in with Kota. Both stabbing and cutting the exorcists left and right. The attacks weren't to kill but render the exorcists useless. Due to the difference in body structure and size as well as speed the kids had multiple advantages. Their speeds were also enhanced with a ki. Their precision and sharpness would put professionals to shame. These were the kids of Izuku and Momo. These were the monsters they had trained.

Eri ad Kota fought as if they were one body with multiple limbs. Their bodies, hands eyes and legs moved as one. Their speed was the same their precision was the same their attacks were clean and lethal. Looking at these kids many people from the underworld would want to recruit them. They covered each other's blind spots and looked like unbeatable warriors who were in a war. Their eyes looked at the exorcists like predators hyenas attacking their prey. Mercilessly attacking and defending one another. Kiba and Koneko were frozen still from the thick bloodlust and amount of skills from two kids. They were almost 4 to 5 years younger then them but their defense and offence was way beyond their age. It looked impenetrable. Koneko and Kiba were Kinda ashamed from their skills. Kiba from the precision and skill while Koneko from their use of senjutsu. Even if she didn't use it doesn't mean that she forgot about it. She rushed in with Kiba to help the kids.

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