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3rd Person's POV

Eri: Papa! Is this the big boss man of the underworld?

The way she said it was adorable. She was just too cute. The ORC were awww-ing over her cuteness and the devil king and his queen were clearly amused. This will actually prove to be fun.

Izuku: Eri. Its King of the underworld. And yes. He is Sirzechs Lucifer. As you put it. The big boss man of the underworld. Also apologies for my daughter if she came off as disrespectful. To her the super natural is still a little new. After all she just learned of them a few months back.

Sirzezhs: No, don't worry. It wasn't disrespectful at all. But, what did you mean by 'she came to know of the supernatural a few months back'?

Izuku: Eri can you go help Kota in his training.

Eri: Sure Papa. But you don't have to worry. I know 'he' can't harm me. After all I have my Papa by my side.

Izuku: Exactly. But still I have some important things to discuss Eri. How about after all this is over. I make Caramel Apples for you?

Eri: Okay Papa.

After that Eri left for the backyard happily skipping her way there. Now Sirzechs was curious. The little girl's eyes had a certain look in them when she spoke. Like she too had seen the world to its darkest and survived. Now he wanted to know about everything single detail. Who are these people and where do they come from?

Izuku: You see Eri even though knew she had a power didn't know about the supernatural. She just knew that she had a curse. She was a cursed child and wasn't worthy of happiness were the words she had to listen to everyday. She didn't even have a childhood until few months back.

Sirzechs: Now I am curious. Who are you and where do you come from?

Izuku: Well that's something I can only trust you with. How about a private conversation in my backyard under the beautiful night sky?

Sirzechs: Sure! I wouldn't mind that. Lead the way.

Momo soon appeared with a tray full of cookies and tea. She placed them down looked at Izuku. He asked her to send them outside. She nodded with a smile. After that Izuku and Sirzechs went outside.

Momo: Apologies about his secretive attitude but its necessary. The past is something he has come in terms with but it is still painful. For all of us.

Rias: I understand. Sorry to bother you at such an hour. It is after all late according to human hours.

Momo: Oh no! You aren't a bother. Infact its an honor to have the devil King and Queen in our house. Have some tea.

Akeno: Its truly delectable.

Momo: I am glad you like it.

Soon Kota came and took a try with two cups and a small kettle of freshly brewed tea. He took them outside where Izuku had went.

*Line break*

Izuku and Sirzechs were seated under the night sky with a cup of hot tea in their hands. Both took a sip and kept the cup down.

Sirzechs: Now would you mind telling me about it?

Izuku: Certainly not. You see the rumors about humans making Sacred Gears were false. They were spread by me. I couldn't afford to act suspiciously without a solid back story. So where do you want me to start.

Sirzechs: How about Who you are?

Izuku: Sure! You see I am not from this world. In fact my whole family isn't from this world. Neither are our powers.

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