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I never thought that we'd end up like this.

Ever since we were kids, Dahyun and I were like two peas in a pod. There's no one without the other. And even though we have different likes and dislikes, we always thought that we would end up together.

Dahyun even proposed to me when we were just little girls. Growing up, our parents tease us and maybe that's one of the reasons why our feeling blossomed. There are no other people for us. Just me and her.

They all say that love hurts. But I say that it's not love itself that causes hurt, it's the people who sometimes forget the meaning of the word.

Kim Dahyun.

My knight in shining armor. My constant. You might think that I would be bored by her presence, but her quirky attitude made her so interesting. And while I'm the sunshine and the social butterfly of our school, she has other ways of capturing people's hearts. Spending time with her all throughout my life made me realize how much I like her personality, how she sees things in a different light, her kindness and her protectiveness.

I still remember the way her eyes crinkle every time she greets me every morning. She wasn't as extroverted as I am, but she definitely makes you feel warm inside.

We belong to a pretty decent family who were friends for a long time. And as I've mentioned before, they teased us and even got excited when they imagined us being together. Which eventually led us to falling in love for real. And with our dates, kisses and special moments together, I couldn't be any happier.

We graduated together even though she's a year younger than me because she's smart and started schooling the same year I did. We created our small group of friends when we started dating. We realized that we should have other people around us and we could still have time for ourselves.

As we got to college, we decided to enroll in the same university. So nothing much changed in our life. Only difference is that the parties that we attended increased.

All of our friends told us that we are the epitome of relationships. That we are their role models. We never got into major fights. And we have the right amount of people around us that provides us with a source of happiness. She's always been there for me, even after we both graduated college and started working.

She was there when I lost my first job. She was there when I had a hard time trying to get back up.

And soon after, she proposed to me.

She was able to land great jobs and deals that resulted in us getting our own house sooner than everyone else. And when we had our late night talks, she even told me that never in her dreams did she thought of falling in love with someone else. That even though there are lots of people around the both of us, she always knew that we are for each other.

Saying 'yes' to her and spending our life with her was the best thing for me. In my mind, that was the end result of our love and patience. And that I was so blessed to find someone that I deeply loved and loved me back as much. I bragged about the ring that she said she bought from her first paycheck. Letting me know that she has plans of proposing to me that early. I wore it as a proof of her love— not that it's the only proof.

After more than a year, we decided to have a kid. Something that was not really in our plans, as we thought that it would be too expensive for us. And we both know that due to our work, we rarely get time for each other. But we pushed through with it, and nine months later, we got our little Jeongwoo.

But everything went downhill from there.

Our relationship stopped being awesome like how it used to be. We started to argue about all of the little things, and no matter how much we tried to explain ourselves, we still got misunderstood. We thought that having a child together would definitely bring the spark back, but even then, we only ever managed to see each other was when we're arguing or when we're having make up sex. But I felt something missing — love. Eventually sex stopped too, and the only time that I get to see Dahyun smile is when she's with Jeongwoo.

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