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"Sana, I want a divorce."

I stared down at the paper that Dahyun handed me to sign two years ago. The paper that would finalize the divorce to the love of my life. My home. My everything.

I felt empty— even now. So empty and devastated that I couldn't believe that it happened— that she would ask for a divorce.

And that day, Dahyun looked— blank. She was jus staring at somewhere else with the most neutral expression that I never saw her wear, except for one other time.

"Just two more pushes, Sana." The doctor told me gently, attempting to soothe me.

I looked at Dahyun for support, holding my hand wasn't enough, I needed to hear her voice.

"Dahyun," I whimpered, tears streaming down my face. "I can't do this— I can't.. Can't."

"Shh, you can do this, baby. Just a couple more pushes, okay? You can do that for the doctor and for our child, right?" She pushed the stray strands of hair on my forehead and pressed a kiss against my skin.

I looked up into her eyes and nodded. I know that with her by my side, I can do anything.

"Ready, Sana?" The doctor asked with a kind smile on her face.

I nodded numbly and looked at Dahyun again for more strength.

"One, two, three," Dahyun and the doctor said simultaneously.

I pushed and screamed so hard that I could almost taste blood in my mouth.

In my haze of pain, my head fell to the side to look at Dahyun.

She was paler than usual, like she's going to be sick. She was staring into my eyes as if she was searching for something— and then suddenly, her face went blank. Her once frightened eyes and dilated pupils relaxed.

"Dahyun?" I mumbled in confusion.

"One more," was all she said, before pulling her eyes from me and towards the doctor.

I looked at the doctor who was also confused by Dahyun's expression.

"Alright, one more, Sana, you can do it," the doctor said as I let out another scream that echoed throughout the whole room. Dahyun squeezed my hand tighter and started whispering things to me that I couldn't comprehend at the time due to my own screaming.

Then there was silence. A thin wail filled the room, followed by the sound of a baby crying. I let my head fall against the pillow in exhaustion.

Dahyun took a step back from me and shook her head. Her eyes hardened and she looked like she had just woken up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her quietly after I was transferred to my room. I feel sleepy.

She laughed and shook her head incredulously, "You're asking me if I'm okay?"

I laughed with her but got interrupted by the doctor's arrival. And with her came our little bundle of joy.

I gasped and tried to sit up, ignoring the overwhelming pain from my body. Then she placed our baby on my arms. "Here you go. It's a healthy baby boy." Then all of them moved out of the room, leaving us three for a moment.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared at my little boy. Our newborn son.

"Dahyun, baby, look at him! He's so precious, I— Dahyun?"

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