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A smack to the ass gets me jumping up the next morning. I turn and give Brock a death glare.

"Come on, come on, this is Omega parade day. I want to see them. Come on. We'll catch the beginning while we get breakfast walk along the main road to the tent and catch the middle then inside we'll see them plus the end of them. I heard it was just shy of two hundred this year. Can you imagine that? Two hundred Omega's." I just roll my eyes at the dreamy look on his face.

"Earth to Brock, earth to Brock." he shivers and looks at me.

"Up, get up. I want to be there to see them all, come on." I sighed and stood, after a shake I headed to relieve myself. No sooner than I get back but he's waving my 'loin cloth' at me. I hated it when he did that. It was his silent demand I shift to half shape. I sighed and did it.

"Why do you want me like this?"

"Because I want to be there with my brother not my pet wolf. Come on." he says and hurries toward the main path around the tents and stalls. We get there with plates of sausage and biscuits in hand. The front of the line was headed with a council enforcer, an alpha who didn't want a pack so he worked for the council instead. He led the omega's around. Other Guards were placed through the line for security.

"Look at them tell me they aren't beautiful." he says licking a sausage before eating it. I just followed him as he walked down the line of them as they headed around the loop of stalls.

"Look at them." he says again. I just roll my eyes and follow him all the way to the Tent and up the stands about halfway.

"Why so high?" I ask.

"I want a good view of more than just a few in front of me." I just sighed and sat next to him as he looked them over again. The first set, the second part then the third length came into the tent they made circle after circle. Omega's left and right kept getting snapped up and carried off. Sure I thought they were soft and sweet and beautiful but no one had tempted me beyond that. I see both the Omega's from our pack get carted off and knew to expect them to leave the pack. I'm leaning back in my seat staring that the lights at the top of the tent wondering how they got them there when I get a hard slap in the chest.

"What?" I ask looking at him. He staring wide eyed and mouth hanging open.

"There." he points I follow his finger.

"There, is very general. There is like twenty people."

"You'll see it if it's real. Just go through them and look at them." I sigh and go over the people walking in line.

"Can you narrow it down?" I ask.

"Blond." he says. I nod and skip all the brunettes. I'm getting bored when my eyes land on a set of twins. They are blond with curls and a soft beauty. They were holding hands and smiling. She was waving to the crowd while he was blushing softly. Red cotton toga type gowns with gold trim.

"The twins?" I ask. "Blond, in the red with gold trim. Girl and boy, he looks totally embarrassed to be doing it?"

"Yes. Tell me you feel that." he is almost begging. It was like looking at a million bucks cash. The Mona Lisa that someone says you can have, that dream car already in your name.

"God, it can't be."

"But it is, I told you so. We have mates, two of them and they are beautiful blond angels. God I bet they have blue wait... Gray, light gray eyes. Come on." he says pushing up. I stand and hurry after him.

"Are you sure about this? Are you sure that they are our mates?" he stops and turns to me.

"Do you doubt it?" he asks surprised. I winced.

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