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Ellis was awake for awhile then asleep. When pains finally started coming constantly, with Brock and at his sides, the doctor coached him. I held my mates hand and worried about him. He was strong but pregnancies were never easy. That included birth. Taking a glance at the doctor I see she's got a head of one of the boys. He was giving little whimpers and wriggling. Ellis was grunting and trying to breathe. Brock was giving him encouragement while I kept an eye on my son that was coming into the world. A nurse was right there the second he slipped free she was wrapping him up to get him warm and dried off. The pain seemed to ease a little as our second little boy began to slide into position. I heard a tiny growl and sounds coming from my son.

"Jamie, please, check on him. Make sure he's alright." Ellis says shoving at my hand holding his.

"Right." I hurry around and look over the nurses arm to my son. He was solid black, just like me and Angelica. She had him in a very shallow bath and was washing him gently. A second nurse had prepared towels and a custom diaper, cut for his tail to go through, and then had turned to catch baby number two.

"Is he alright?" I ask wanting to snatch him up and cuddle him close.

"He's alright, he's just not a fan of water. Perhaps you'd like to try? Maybe he'll feel better having you with him."

"Okay." I gently take him from her and take over washing. As I washed, his little eyes opened, his tiny mouth opened to whimper and yawn. But he settled as I washed him.

"There we go, you just needed your daddy. You okay with him? I'll help with the other." Noises and voices were going on behind me but I concentrated on the boy I was washing.

"Yeah, we're good." I keep washing until he was nice and clean then wrapped him in the towel. He was slipping to sleep. "I know, it's a lot of work being born." Turning I look just as the doctor hands the second boy off and turns back to help Ellis. She brings him to a second basin that was set up and starts to wash him. He seems to tolerate her and the bath just fine. Brock is helping to get an exhausted Ellis into clean sheets. Going over I look down at him. His eyes are starting to close.

"Hey how are you feeling?" I ask. He opens his eyes and smiles.

"I'm okay. Are the boys alright?" He asks lifting a hand to touch the tiny furred hand sticking out from the towel.

"They are fine. This one isn't so happy with water but they are alright." His eyes started to close again. "Go to sleep sweet." He nods off with a smile on his face. Brock's eyes were trained on the little boy that was being handed him in another towel. He was staring, transfixed.

"God they are beautiful." He walks around and stands in front of me so the boys were next to each other. So their names, which do you think should be which?" He asks me.

"Ellis picked out Lucian and Andre for names. We better just let him decide." Brock nodded. I watch Brock as he just is mesmerized.

"You know, I thought Angelica was absolutely the most beautiful and I still do, but these two are just as beautiful. Ellia should be here for this." He quickly grabs out his cell and calls one of the warriors. He'd escort Ellia and the three older kids over. When Angelica ran in she tugged on my fur until I knelt down. Her little mouth dropped open and she stared.

"Daddy he is so pretty. Goodness. I never thought they'd be so pretty. Can I hold him?" That made me laugh. One of the nurses brought over a wheelchair and let her climb in. They propped pillows to help her and I laid him on her lap. She grinned and her tail wagged. I loved how happy she was. Looking to my other sons I see them laughing and talking with their mother over the other boy. A sound from the bed makes me jerk to my feet. Ellis is awake and watching us.

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