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I woke to have my daughter on my chest in full shape. They'd really scared her if she was clinging me. I'd make people pay for that if someone dared to do it again. I lay there letting her sleep. The boys had an adjoining tent and were no doubt already up and quietly playing till we would force them to go wash. Angel was supposed to be sleeping in with them but obviously that didn't happen all night. Looking around I notice that both Brock and Ellia were missing. No doubt waking up, getting the pack ready, and probably having some fun time in there somewhere. Ellis is laying in the center of the over large airbed where Brock insisted that he would stay for safety. A wiggle and I look to see Angels big yawn as she wakes up.

"Morning Angel. Sleep okay?"


"Want to go see if your brothers are up?"

"Okay." She says and hurries toward them. I'm listening to them play when Ellis wakes up. He groans and rubs his stomach. I see him looking around then frowning.

"Ellis baby you okay?"

"Did someone spill some water the beds wet." I nearly dive for him. He check and see that the blankets under him were soaked.

"Ellis did your water break?" He gave me panicked eyes.

"I don't know. I was asleep."

"Angel, boys." I yell as I gather Ellis in my arms.

"Yes." They say running in.

"Find daddy and mama tell them I'm taking papa to the med tent his water might have broken. Be quick."

"Yes daddy." They say and run for the flap. Angel holds it while I walk out with Ellis then scurries off.

"I don't feel like I'm in labor." He says but he's frowning.

"Are you sure you are frowning and rubbing your stomach."

"I'm not sure. My stomachs had pains in it for days but I haven't noticed anything like labor." I hurry into the tent.

"What's wrong?" A nurse asks turning toward us.

"I think his water might have broken he woke up with the bed soaked under him."

"Alright just lay him here we'll see if he's dilated." I set him on a table and waited. She snapped on gloves and helped him off with his shorts. He was bent in half as she checked to see if he was dilating at all.

"Looks like you might have double sacks. You are dilated but not enough for labor. Take a deep breath and I'll grab a doctor to take a look." I hear feet and Brock bursts into the tent with Ellia and the kids a couple steps behind. Brock rushes over and pulls Ellis into his arms.

"Are you alright? Are you in labor? I told you not to come. You and Ellia, the kids should all be safe at home with Ash watching over you. Damn it next time you are staying home if I have to tie you to the damn bed." Ellis is frowning at him. He heaves a big sigh and pushes at Brock.

"If you are going to stand here and berate me, saying I told you so, you can go back to the tents." He says crossing his arms and glaring at Brock.

"I'm sorry baby but, in a tent, in the middle of a whole hell of a lot of were's that don't like us is not the safe place I'd like to be as you give birth to our little boys."

"Daddy, is papa going to be alright?" BJ asks.

"Yes. He'll be alright." I tell him. A doctor hurries up and after getting an explanation she looks Ellis over.

"Well he's definitely in labor. He must have a double sack though. He's not progressing fast enough for it to be a single sack. The babies vitals are perfectly alright so no distress saying that the labors not progressing right. At this point he can either stay here or go back to your tents and relax. You've done this before so you know it can be hours of this kind of thing before he's in active labor. He can even walk around the meet and have fun. Just keep an eye on if he starts getting contraction about every five minutes or if his second sack should break. Watch for fatigue and confusion, light headedness. All things that can indicate problems."

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