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(Time Jump Four Years)

So far they'd risen to the challenge of her being so different and her brothers being tainted with her. Though they started kindergarten this year. Angel was excited for it, I was worried for her. She did just fine with our pack but the school was all the packs and clans around. I laughed as I saw Honey trying to coral Angelica again. Our poodle was always unhappy when Angelica and JJ started wrestling.

"No Honey, go away. I'm fine." Angel says in her garbled talk. She did fine most of the time but when she was playing or upset it got garbled. Talking with a muzzle wasn't easy. I hear the back door slap from where I was sitting on the porch and see Ellia come out.

"Little girl I told you not to wrestle in your nice dresses. Go inside and put a play dress on or some shorts." Angelica just stood and went not arguing. Ellia comes over and gives me a frown.

"Why did you let her wrestle in her nice dress?"

"Because she looks cute in it and it's just a dress." Ellia gives me a kiss but rolls her eyes. BJ who had been coloring next to me stands goes over and kicks JJ in the butt then comes back to sit.

"What was that?" I ask him before he could sit and go back to coloring. BJ's lip tuck out.

"He was supposed to color with me today. He always plays with her and forgets me." I beckon JJ over.

"Did you tell BJ that you'd play with him today?"

"Yes but Angel wanted to wrestle."

"Well how about the three of you color together?" he nods and sits to color. JJ was a people pleaser he'd go wherever the wind took him if people were happy with him. When angel comes out I get her coloring as well. This was how I spent mots of my days. Brock worked Ellia and Ellis cared for the house and were great Luna's. I ran herd on the kids and kept the house safe. I heard squealing from inside. It drew my and the kids attention. Together we all got up and went to find out what was going on. Ellis and Ellia were hugging in the kitchen. Brock came in from the other side.

"What's with the noise?" he asks. Ellia grabs something from Ellis' hand and runs to Brock.

"he's pregnant again." she bounces up and down and runs to show me as well. Ellis is blushing as he comes to me.

"I wasn't expecting it. We aren't trying."

"Is it alright though? Are you happy to have more?"

"Yes. I'd love another little girl." I kissed him deeply. Ellia hurries past me to the kids in the doorway who were confused.

"Papa is going to have more babies. You'll have little brother or sister. Won't that be fun?" they didn't seem thrilled with the idea. My first and instant worry was another one like Angelica. One was good. Ellis was biting his lip nervously.

"I should tell you that... well you know how I was sure the twins were yours?"


"I'm pretty sure this happened a couple weeks ago when you and Ellia took the kids on a run and I was here alone with him." Brock appeared behind him.

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure." Brock scooped him and twirled him around. That made a little worry evaporate from me. If it was Brock as daddy this time then it was a lessened chance for the baby to be like me. I knew that he never thought of the triplets as anything but his kids, it would mean something that this one was really born from him. Ellis was giggling as Brock kissed him.

"This means you can sit up nights and worry." I tease him. Going back to the kids I crouch.

"Being big brothers and sister will be hard work but you'll do great." my little Angel slid up into my arms.

"Will he have a baby like me?"

"Would you want a sibling like you?"


"Can I ask why?"

"Cause then it won't be just you and me." I kissed her cheek.

"Very true. Well we'll know in a few weeks. For now want to color some more?" they nod. The boys didn't seem very interested in the new baby. I watch them color till their mama and papa say dinner is ready then they have to go in and wash their hands for dinner. not for the first time I see Angelica late back. I go in to find her drying her fur on her hands.

"Daddy, I hate washing my hands I can't get my fur dry again."

"Here lets do it this way." I get out the hair dryer and help her dry her fur.

"There's my pretty girl." Ellia says and kisses her cheek while helping her into her chair. Angelica smiled at her mama.

"Mama you said I could go back and get the blue dress for the first day of school can we do that tomorrow?"

"Yes. Do you boys want to go?" I saw Angel frown. The boys quickly shook their head no. I saw my daughter smile. She wanted a girl day with her mama. That was cute. Ellis was smiling happily and getting teased by Brock about being big and pregnant again. I looked at Ellia.

"You won't be doing the pregnant thing with him this time? I can always correct that if you want." I tease. She laughs.

"No thanks. While I want to do it again I'm going to wait. One at a time is fine. The three at once was a lot." I chuckle. The kids were eating their lasagna happily. Then I saw Angelica getting annoyed. The noodle she was trying to eat kept slipping out of the side of her muzzle.

"hey," I say tapping her leg. "Do this, purse your lips together like this." I pursed them like I was going to kiss someone and then chewed air. She copied me and got it devoured. When dinner was done they were allowed to watch TV for an hour then they had to take baths. While the boys shared the hall bathroom Ellia always bathed Angel in our bath. Brock and Ellis made a mess with the boys in the hall bathroom and I wandered into our bathroom. I laughed as I saw angel turning the fur on her arm into a mo-hawk. I sit next to the tub and she moves over to get my head wet and gives me a mo-hawk. Then starts piling bubbles on my nose. I wink at her stretch my tongue out and lick all of them off my nose with my tongue.

"How do you do that?" she tries and tries until she figures out how to stretch her tongue out to lick over her nose. Every time she did it she giggled. When she was done playing Ellia got her out dried her with a towel then got out the blow drier.

"Mama, can I get a blow drier for my room. I wash my hands and stuff and my fur never dries."

"Hmm, why don't we look tomorrow and see if we can find a little one that will be safe for you to use. Okay?" angel nods. Then it's to the hall bathroom to brush her teeth. The boys were done and in their room playing. She hated brushing her teeth because it was hard to see to get to the back. She was learning to go by feel. She was taken to her room, that was more pink than I thought was right but she loved it, the towel left and she put on her little panties. Ellia had gotten really good at sewing tail holes in all her clothes. She got out her Tinkerbelle nighty and then crawled into bed. We each kissed her before she turned to her tummy and closed her eyes. As we headed for our room Ellia stopped me and quietly asked,

"How worried are you about having another like her? Even though it's Brock this time, it's still possible."

"I'm concerned not worried. With them I was worried then scared when we knew for certain. But not this time I really doubt it'll happen. What I'm worried about is that, he's pregnant, once again when we go out no one will know it's him that birthed our new addition. I hope it doesn't upset him as bad this time but..." she was frowning.

"I hadn't thought about that. We'll make sure people know it's his, even if they think it's adoption we'll make sure they know he's papa." we go into the bedroom to see Brock already has Ellis naked and is kissing his belly. I just slip up my bed and Ellia changes her clothes and slides in with me. She just snuggles into my chest.

"You know sex is getting common place when I'm not fazed and ready for sleep." I laugh.

"Not bored with it I hope."

"Never bored. Just used to the sounds and can sleep through it now."

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