Page 18

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When Ellis woke I hurried to his side.

"Hi how do you feel?" I ask making sure he stays laying down.

"I'm okay. I'm hungry." that was good.

"You passed out." he giggled.

"Yes. Because you made me feel awesome. It seems with the really good stuff I pass out. I'm sorry if I worried you."

"Well it mostly worried me when you didn't wake up despite how noisy we were with Ellia. But you sure you feel okay?"

"I'm still sleepy but I'm hungry. Can I go down and eat?"

"How about I bring you stuff. You rest here." he nodded. I went down and got plenty of food on a tray for him. I pass Brock and Ellia coming down as I head up. I stop her and kiss her cheek.

"You feeling alright?" she smiles.

"I feel great. I'm hungry so he's going to make me stuff." I nod and take the food to Ellis. He's tucked in my bed and under the blanket smiling.

"Brock helped me move beds. I like being in our bed." I smiled and laid the tray on his lap. He ate, and ate until there was nothing left.

"You should rest some more."

"Will you lay here with me? We could watch a movie on the laptop."

"Sure." so I spent the rest of the evening cuddling with him.

As their pregnancies progress they go from perfectly fine to yelling at us in tandem. Ellia would have periods of manic happiness and Ellis would cry non stop for hours. Brock and I tried hard to balance out their moods but they did their own things. We spent a lot of time with the pack trying to give them space. One would tag out and go out to get some peace and shore up their strength to deal with them. The other would be run ragged trying to help them. They were now at nearly five months so they could go into labor at any time. Ellis would most likely go first since he had twins. I pushed a hand through my fur as Ellis was once again crying. This time Ellia was with him. I heard the front door open. Brock was home. I quickly shifted to full shape and headed down the stairs.

'Your turn.' I say and hurry out the back door and into the woods.

'Dude why are they crying what happened?'

'I have no idea. I went and got them drinks came back up and they were crying but they won't tell me why. You try. I can't take the crying. I'll let them yell at me all day long but tears, I just can't do it.' I did a long patrol them went back as dark hit. Brock was in the kitchen cooking, that wasn't good he was a terrible cook.

"Hey no burning my house down what are you doing?"

"They are hungry. I was trying to some burgers. Ellia said she wanted some. Ellis said he wanted several."

"Let me." I took over making the food. As I got it done our mates were waddling in.

"Jamie." I hear Ellia say she comes over and grabs my tail. "You are bad you left without saying anything." I looked over my shoulder.

"You were crying you know I can't do the tears. It hurts my heart to see you upset. Feeling better?"

"Yes." she kisses me then goes to sit at the table. Ellis is standing next to me his bottom lip poking out.

"You okay?" I ask. He steps close and purses his lips. I smile and kiss him. It seems to make him happy and he just tucks his arm through mine and lays his head on my shoulder. He just stands there as I get the plates ready to serve. He waits till I sit then sits in my knee. He wasn't as light as he used to be but I didn't complain. He munches happily then heads straight to bed after dinner. I let Brock clean the kitchen and I get them both in bed and settled.

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