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As we get over there I see Ellia and mom grinning at me.

'What?' Ellia turned her phone around. She had gotten a picture of me licking the shepherd so he wouldn't piss himself.

"It was so cute. He was terrified of you and you put him at ease. That's great. Though I know it was so you could visit Ashley and not have her dog pee himself every time." I roll my eyes and lay my head in Ellis' lap. As he pets my head I feel desire start. I'm thinking about him under me in our bed when I get a toe in the side. Looking I see Brock is staring at me.


'Dude your dick is hanging out control yourself.' I sigh and lay down on the concrete. It takes nearly a half hour to feel myself in control again. But the minute I sit up he starts petting me and I've got a problem again.

'Dude seriously, control yourself.' Brock says.

'But he's our mate and hot and petting me.' I whine. He narrows his eyes.

'Take him to the bathroom handle your problem and then go sit with mom.' I nudge Ellis. He looks down.

'Come with me.' he does it trusting me completely. I take him into the bathroom into the handicap stall and shift.

"What are you doing?" he asks as I pull him into my arms as I smile.

"I'm dealing with the problem you've given me." he pulls back and looks down at my cock sticking out.

"How is it I did that?"

"You sit there and talk and absently just pet my head. You stroke my head and make me think of your hands on me in other ways. Brock pointed it out once and I was okay to get rid of this but the second time. Well I'm going to use the problem you caused." he giggles. I've been slowly caressing him and he's starting to get wiggly. I'm just reaching for his pants when the bathroom door opens. We freeze listen to the guy take care of business and leave. He giggles and the moans as I stroke his cock with my hand. He turns and pushes his pants down.

"If you have this problem routinely we are going to know every bathroom in town."

"Hmm, I'll have to do a tour with you then a tour with Ellia." he moans and pushes back into me as I slid my hard cock inside him. I grunt and start thrusting hard. I've got a arm wrapped around him tight.

"Yes. Yes Jaime. That's awesome." he moans out. We both go still as the door opens again. A knock comes on the stall.

"Hey, no leaving me out. How rude." I laughed and let Ellia in. She giggled as she kissed me. "Should have seen the looks I got when I went in here." I laughed.

"I'm pretty sure they are going to think you missed."

"You make Ellis happy then I'm next." she slips up behind me and stars rubbing over my body. I slip my cock back inside Ellis and get him moaning and clutching at my arms braced to either side of him. He gives no warning as he comes. Spinning him around I kiss him. He smiles and giggles as Ellia turns me and kisses me. She's already pulled her underwear from under her skirt. Her skirt hem is tucked up in her waist band. I grip her hips and lift as she grips my shoulders.

"Fuck me hard." she says. I take her ass in hand and shove inside her pussy hard. Bracing my feet I bounce her against me and get her moaning. I can tell she's getting too loud, I slip a hand up and over her mouth. She gasp sand cries out as she cums. I don't let myself linger with her but come deep. I wait till she stops shaking before I let her down. Ellis pouts as he slides up to my side.

"I didn't get to feel you cum. You owe me a redo when we get home." I grin and kiss him. With the two of them following we head back to the table. I flop down to my side and sigh.

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