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When we got up we escorted them to breakfast then to their tent. It was an easy tent to pack up and move to our area. As they changed clothes I noticed that while hers was a blouse and skirt, his was tees and jeans. But they wore white shirts and blue bottoms their curls combed back and bright smiles on their faces. Did they do the twin thing on purpose or accident? Ellia bounced over to me. I had a clean cloth on. She tucked her arm through mine.

"Do you ever need to comb your fur?"

"A brush here and there. Want to help me do that tonight?'

"Sure." as we headed to get some lunch I felt her fingers in my fur.

"You can't tell but under your fur you have some seriously hard muscles. Sexy." she says winking at me. "I'm sorry our pack was rude this morning. I'm glad we don't have to go back and pack this way we can just go home with you and stay. Our stuff will come later."

"Yeah. I like it too." she was looking up at me smiling.

"What?" I ask, she glanced at me then at her brother.

"You were easy with him weren't you. He was all smiley and giggly while we changed clothes. I can see how sweet and gentle you are. He's a little lacking in carnal knowledge, always to shy to try anything but he's wanted our mates as much as I have. Just so you know, you don't have to be gentle with me. I'd like it if you were but at times you want more passion and not so gentle that's okay. I'm not sure about Ellis he is gentle but as he learns he might like more. Okay?"

"Alright." I say agreeing.

"Good." I hadn't been told I was gentle this much, ever before. But they both had called me sweet and gentle. I wasn't, but something about how they saw me, they thought I was. I'd try to be that way for them. Our pack showed up constantly to talk to our new mates and get to know them. We got plenty of looks but after yesterdays encounter I really think people were worried about ticking me off. I watched Brock take Ellis toward some games and talked him into playing the more sedate ones.

"So what do you want to do?" she asks bouncing next to my side.

"I don't know, anything sound good?"

"Food, I'm starving." so we spent hours trying every food available. She'd gotten some ice cream and held up the spoon. "Try. This is great."

"Uh, I don't do so well with spoons." she smiled.

"Open your mouth." I did and she slipped the spoon in turned it over and raked the contents on my tongue. "See that worked. Just have to let me feed you. Hmm lets try it this way." she put some in her mouth and then raised up to stick her tongue in my mouth as she kissed me. I swallowed the ice cream and kissed her again. She giggled as I pulled back.

"Hmm, I bet if we had privacy we could find all kinds of ways to eat ice cream."

"When we get home we'll have to try them all." I tease. I'm enjoying her ice cream with her when someone leans on the other side of the table. I didn't recognize the men.

"Hi fella's. the stall has more ice cream if you want some." hopefully they'd say their piece and go away. Ellia moved closer setting the ice cream down and holding tight to my fur.

"We think we'd enjoy it more if you stopped breathing." Ellia gasped.

"Don't you know what happened yesterday to the idiots who thought that?" she asked tartly. Their angry glare had her snapping her mouth closed and looking away. She had courage but she was till just an omega.

"One failed attempt doesn't mean we'll stop trying to kill him."

"You are more of that same pack aren't you? Guys, how thin do I have to make your pack before you leave me alone?"

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