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AN: Watch at the end of the chapter for a special announcement.

Two weeks later we get the kids on the bus and I hear Brock remind the boys to watch out for their sister. Both of them nod very solemnly. While they go to school this morning we head to the doctors office. I let Brock, who was so happy, be with Ellis for this. I sat with Ellia to the side. I was happy for Ellis and Brock and very happy to let them be in front and worry about this one. The doctor checked him all over then got the sonogram going. I saw Brock frowning.

'What's wrong brother?' I ask in our link. He gives me a glance.

'It's possible with me but not likely.'

'I'm not as worried if it does happen. We've done pretty good with Angel and she's had little trouble. I think another would be alright. Plus Angel says she wants one so she's not alone. I was alone, I sort of think it would be nice for her if she wasn't alone to grow up. Having a sibling like her would be good for her.' that made him smile.

"Well are we ready?" the doctor asks. We all nod. She gets the wand going over his stomach. I've got my eyes closed, I was more worried then I wanted to be.

"Well looks like we have another set of twins." I heard Ellia gasp and my eyes popped open. Looking at the screen I see the screen. It wasn't two babies I saw, but two puppies. Oh good lord. Two more. Two like me. That made three. What was going on. With Brock it should have been rare. Why did this happen? Okay I'll admit I was worried and most of me had hoped and figured it wouldn't happen. I saw Brock was confused and stared worry on his face. Ellis stared. Then he dissolved into tears. I was up immediately. I hated to see him cry.

"What's wrong why are you crying?" Brock asks grabbing his hand and kissing his cheek.

"It's so hard for Angelica to go out and now two more. Two more that people will call puppies and dogs and not know that they are my wonderful babies. I have the one little girl I wanted like Jamie. She's my special sweet perfect little miracle. I didn't think this would happen with you." I tried not to feel hurt that he was this upset that they were like me. Sitting up he reaches for me. Brock lets me take his place.

"It'll be alright. The pack does great with Angel and she's going to school. Sure the humans don't know but who cares what they think. Besides Angel wanted little sibling like her." He stopped crying and looked at me.


"Yeah said that then it wouldn't be just us. I think she'll be excited. I am. I was so scared with Angel and I'll admit to worry about these two but I think we'll handle it just fine. I thought you'd be happy to have more little babies like me." he nodded.

"I love having babies like you but I see how hard it is at times. I'm just scared for them."

"They'll be alright. I know they will." he smiles. Turning to Brock he smiles.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to react like that. I am happy to be having babies." I saw that Brock was upset. But he marshaled himself and hugged Ellis. I went back to Ellia who was chewing her lip.

"Can we try to see if they are boys or girls?" Ellis laid back down and watched the screen but I wasn't sure.

"hmm, well," the doctor says. "Oh there we go now they are cooperating. Oh boy. You are having twin boys it looks like. Poor Angel is going to be outnumbered." I laughed.

"Oh she might be outnumbered but she's showing alpha tendencies I'm pretty sure the boys will be her little obedient pack as they get older." They laughed with me. When we were done I shifted to full form and we headed out.

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