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As if something could go wrong in the little flower shop down the street, Hongjoong was pacing through every backroom trying to find his special delivered new flowers, panicking. Today, a very special guest was picking up a bouquet of flowers, special flowers that Hongjoong only had once a year, and now he was panicking since he lost track of where they were put.

His coworkers, Wooyoung and Yeosang, watched him pace through all the different rooms, looking for the flowers as it would be one hour till the man arrived to pick them up. They both gave each other a look of panic, knowing how much this meant to the older and how it could boost his little flower shop more, they started looking with him after making sure there wasn't any costumers at the front.

Hongjoong stopped with wide eyes, no, please don't tell me I forgot... he thought to himself as he looked up at Wooyoung who was staring at him.

"Wooyoung, can you please do me a big favor?" Hongjoong asked, trying his best to make puppy eyes

"What is it hyung? can you not find the flowers?" Wooyoung asked, curious.

"Please Wooyoung I need you to take my car and hurry over to the gardner family to pick them up, I don't know how I forgot to pick them up but I did, could you please do this for me?" Hongjoong begged, practically on his knees

Wooyoung looked over at Yeosang as he nodded, he smiled at Hongjoong and patted him on the shoulder.

"Ok hyung, I'll get going, just make sure you have all your things ready, he's here in an hour" Wooyoung said as he grabbed Hongjoong's car key and sprinted out the backdoor.

Hongjoong yelled a quick 'thank you' as Wooyoung disappeared out of the shop. He sat down on a nearby stool, trying to calm himself down. Yeosang came over to him with a cup of tea, sitting it down in front of the latter, patting his back slowly, trying to reassure the older.

"Thank you, I honestly don't know what I'd do without you two" Hongjoong spoke, taking a sip of his tea

"No need to thank us hyung, we know how much this means to you, we all want this shop to grow and knowing this is our chance, we would gladly do everything to help" Yeosang smiled at him, receiving a warm smile back.

Around twenty minutes later, Wooyoung came back, carefully putting the beautiful flowers down onto the table and called for Hongjoong. Knowing there was only thirty minutes left, Hongjoong got to work immediately.

This was one of his skills, which was something he got praised for a lot at collage and university, his fast skills was unmatchable, cutting and putting together beautiful bouquets in the span of no time. Hongjoong always got praised for it, which was why his teachers urged him to go forth with his dreams of becoming a florist and opening his own shop. And so he did.

"He's here in ten" Wooyoung warned, not really wanting to pressure the older

"Thank you" He replied shortly

Until there was only five minutes left, Hongjoong finally had the bouquet done, beautiful yellow and red colors, matched together with the flowers that the two youngest were still waiting to be identified, the red and orange ribbon sitting perfectly across the stems, wrapping it tight, but not too tight of course.

"It's so beautiful hyung, what's the flowers called again?" Yeosang asked

"Oh? these are golden stargazer lilies, they're quite special, therefore we only have them once a year" Hongjoong replied, smiling at his creation

"They're so beautiful, no wonder they always sell each year" Wooyoung gazed over the bouquet

Interrupting the small talk, the bell at the front was heard as a man walked inside. Hongjoong quickly identified the man and hurried over to welcome him and place in his payment and so on. The man was kind and was excited to see the bouquet, Hongjoong walked back and picked it up as he went out to show the man.

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