Epilogue II

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"You sure you want to ride the motorcycle there?" Seonghwa asked, opening the garage slowly.

"Yeah... It's a bit more special to me..." Hongjoong smiled shyly.

Chuckling, Seonghwa got two helmets for them and got on the motorcycle. "Well, we wouldn't want to make you wait any longer, right?" He smirked as he patted the seat behind him.

Smiling, Hongjoong gladly accepted the helmet as he put it on and sat down on the motorcycle. Quickly, he put his hands around Seonghwa, secured and squeezed just a bit so it wouldn't hurt the other and wouldn't be bruising him. Together, they went on their way to the destination that Seonghwa wouldn't tell Hongjoong about. He had no idea where his husband was going to take him.

Speaking of husbands, it's been a few days since they got married, and right now they're going on their precious honeymoon. The wedding was held with family and friends, and although Hongjoong felt bad because even though Seonghwa sent an invite to his father, he got no answer from him and was basically ignored. Seonghwa had told him not to get mad, because he expected nothing less from his father. Hongjoong obviously thought it was dumb how a parent could exclude their children like that just because they disapprove of their way of living. But promises are promises, and Hongjoong did his best to not get mad, and decided that they didn't need Seonghwa's father to ruin the day for them anyway.

A few days before the wedding, Wooyoung and Yeosang helped Hongjoong with the preparations and all that. It was also then he decided they were going to be his best men. They were nothing but excited as they helped out on the rest, like decorations and everything in between. Hongjoong talked to his family, surprising them with an invitation to the wedding and although Hongjoong already knew their answers, he was still glad they could make it. Hongjoong's father was almost in tears because he got to walk his son up the aisle. Comforting his father, Hongjoong himself was also on the verge of tears because he was truly so happy. Of course, he felt a bit sad again, thinking about how if Seonghwa's father had been more accepting, he would maybe also react like this.

On the day of the wedding, Wooyoung and Yeosang were stressing about making Hongjoong look pretty. Of course he already was, but it was the big day, and even Hongjoong admitted to wanting to look his best and try to not cry and make his face puffy. It was hard, now that it was finally happening. They had chosen to do it in the flower field where Seonghwa not only had asked him on a date, but also proposed to him. It was a beautiful summer wedding, the weather was good, it was sunny and the temperature was just right. Wooyoung was busy making the flower crown look its best while Yeosang looked over Hongjoong in the suit that they had chosen together.

Putting on the flower crown, Hongjoong couldn't help but bring the other two into a hug and thank them a million times for their help with everything. Afterwards, Wooyoung and Yeosang got ready as well, and soon enough, all three of them stood in front of the big mirror. Smiling, they hugged each other once more. The two also wore flower crowns, just in different colors. Hongjoong hadn't seen Seonghwa all day, because it was a promise they wouldn't see each other until the wedding. Kind of like a surprise. Seonghwa had no idea what the three of them had planned, because Seonghwa had told him to go all out. And that he, or they, did.

A knock came at the door, then San popped his head inside, smiling. "The wedding starts soon–!" Stopping himself, he took a good look at them all. "Wow..." He observed a bit more, then: "I know he doesn't do it often, but Seonghwa is definitely going to cry."

Giggling, Hongjoong pondered for a moment, then giggled again as he nodded. "Thank you, we'll be right there!"

Nodding himself, San closed the door again. As the three of them looked over everything one more time, they decided that it was finally time. Wooyoung and Yeosang went first, Hongjoong was a bit nervous to say the least, obviously he has never been married before, so it came with the new experience. But he wanted this, he didn't want anything but this, he wanted to be Seonghwa's husband forever. As the music started playing, everyone went in order. And Hongjoong could feel his nerves kicking in, but luckily his father was there to help him calm down. As the ring bearer, Yunho and Mingi's kid whom he was declared uncle for, went forward, Hongjoong knew it was soon his turn.

And finally as the flower girl went down the aisle, Hongjoong sucked in a breath as he and his father started to walk slowly, intact with the music. And then everything and everyone came into view, Hongjoong felt like crying, happy that everything went as it did. He made eye contact with Seonghwa almost immediately, and almost like San had promised it, he was indeed crying. Which made it a bit harder for Hongjoong not to cry. But happily, they stepped forward towards the priest, Hongjoong's father handed his hands to his husband-to-be, as they stood together in front of the priest. Exchanging vows and promises, they kissed and everyone cheered happily for them.

"Joongie? Dear?"

A call of his name snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked up to see that they had stopped driving, and that Seonghwa was looking at him fondly.

"Yes?" Hongjoong blinked, smiling slightly.

"We're here."

In an instant, Hongjoong looked up and instantly gasped. Like a dream come true, they were in the middle of a flower meadow, a beautiful wooden house on display a few feet away. It shouldn't surprise him all that much anymore, but Seonghwa really knew everything about him, and he loved that. That they could share that fact about each other, that they knew everything the other liked. Getting off the motorcycle, and taking off the helmet, Hongjoong let his face meet the cool breeze and beautiful smell around them. He didn't even know what to say as he hugged his husband tightly, thanking him for finding this beautiful place and bringing him here. It was everything he had wished for.

"The house has everything as well, so we can stay here for a whole month without worrying about anything back at home." Seonghwa smiled, tapping Hongjoong under his chin to make him look up at him.

Chuckling slightly, Hongjoong smiled. "It's good I trust Wooyoung to be the manager for my shop while I'm gone, huh?" He pondered for a second, then: "What about your work?"

Smirking, Seonghwa booped his nose affectionately. "I'm the CEO, I can do whatever I want, sweetheart."

Blushing deeply, Hongjoong looked away, clearing his throat slightly. "S-So, what were you planning on doing out here?"

Without even looking up, Hongjoong knew Soenghwa's smirk grew a bit. "I don't know, whatever you want."

After a bit of teasing, they finally got inside the house. Apparently, Seonghwa had made sure their luggage had been brought there, which answered a bit of Hongjoong's questions. He loved it, though. Being away from everyone, and just being the two of them, it was everything he wanted for a honeymoon. As Seonghwa guided him through the house, they got to the bedroom where they'd be sleeping, and Hongjoong gasped at how lovely it looked, there were plants and flowers everywhere, fresh and beautiful. Hongjoong loved it all, and as a thank you, he brought Seonghwa into a loving kiss. One that definitely got a bit heated after a few moments. But he couldn't blame either of them.

And together, they lived happily, loving each other and wanting nothing but one another.

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