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It had been officially three years since they started dating and nothing excited Hongjoong more than when Seonghwa would make small donations to his shop, supporting it and even helping him with expanding it and getting more employees. Hongjoong was thankful but sometimes also felt bad as people would constantly tell him how he was only succeeding because of his boyfriend's business. Seonghwa however was always there to comfort him afterwards.

Now one fine morning, Hongjoong was going through a normal day. He couldn't wait to get home and tell Seonghwa about his day and how eventful it had been. Right, in the year they had started dating, Hongjoong had moved into Seonghwa's mansion. They knew it might have been viewed as moving fast but both of them loved it and it only meant there was more cuddling and late night talks together rather than over the phone.

Many flowers were sold that day. Hongjoong was enjoying his time at the shop as always, after all these years, he still loved it. Everything about it still made Hongjoongs heart flutter. The fresh smell of new flowers and the soft silky touch of the fabric he used for the ribbons. Although right now only one thing was on his mind, his beloved boyfriend, Park Seonghwa.

He hadn't heard from his boyfriend all morning, not even waking up beside him. Hongjoong found it suspicious but decided not to think most of it, he knew Seonghwa's schedule was tight and he needed to be at work early, he just didn't know it had to be that early. Shaking off the thought he continued his day as more customers came in.

Meanwhile Seonghwa was panicking as he and the rest of his friends were searching for a specific spot. He didn't know why this was so nerve wrecking but maybe the idea of proposing to Hongjoong had made him nervous. He knew Hongjoong might have noticed him leaving early in the morning, and although part of it had to do with his job, he also needed a lot of time to set up this specific thing.

"Seonghwa hyung, calm down a bit ok?" Yunho spoke

Seonghwa breathed in and out slowly as he tried calming himself down, his friends helping a bit as they all watched him calm down. He shook his lightly as he just looked around and the spot they were in as it suddenly hit him all over again as he smiled brightly.

"How am I so stupid, this spot is perfect!" Seonghwa beamed happily

The others watched in confusion but were happy that Seonghwa had finally picked a spot. What the others didn't know was that this spot was the exact spot Seonghwa asked Hongjoong out on a date. He hit himself lightly for even forgetting about it in the slightest, it must mean a lot to Hongjoong, knowing how he held onto memories a lot and had even confessed doing so to Seonghwa.

Yunho nodded at the others as they brought out their things. Yunho had agreed to help, together with the rest of the guys, Seonghwa with his plan on proposing to Hongjoong. Yes proposing, the pair had talked about it before and although it's only been three years, Seonghwa couldn't dream of letting Hongjoong go, ever. Which was exactly why he was as nervous as he was.

Proposing not even three years into a relationship could also be viewed as moving fast, but Seonghwa's need for things were consistent. If Hongjoong said no, Seonghwa wouldn't be heartbroken and leave him, no never. He would accept it as it is and move on, maybe try a few years later. If Hongjoong said yes however, Seonghwa would be the happiest man alive, he could finally escape his own family and make his own whenever Hongjoong was ready for it. He thought about the consequences a lot.

Proposing doesn't quite equal marriage in an instant, some people propose and wait a whole year to get married, that's why Seonghwa was a bit positive about the plan in the first place. He thought about Hongjoong a lot while making the decision. He knew Hongjoong a lot, but no one knew him better than Yunho, that's exactly why he seeked help from him specifically. Yunho was a big help and reminded Seonghwa that Hongjoong wouldn't hate him even if he said no, it just meant he wasn't ready to take the next step yet.

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