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One thing Seonghwa hated the most with being the ceo's son was how fast rumors got. Media always wanted to get at least something out there for the desperate people on the internet so they could talk their shit about stuff they knew nothing about anyways. And that's exactly what had happened. During the time the girl he was supposed to be 'in love with' arrived, his dad had confiscated his phone. And he absolutely hated it.

She definitely wasn't his type if he were to be into women, in his opinion, she was quite annoying. Had the bubbly type of personality and wouldn't stop talking about how rich and famous he would be once he was ceo, which gave him a good idea as to why she was so interested in him in the first place. Worst part was that Seonghwa and to look interested because his dad was eyeing him the whole time.

He had a feeling he had done something wrong the whole week, although it had nothing to do with the meeting or anything, but rather someone else. Seonghwa had a gut feeling he had fucked up, or his dad had made him fuck up on something. And he hated the feeling so bad, he wanted it to be gone, so when the girl and her dad finally went back to their company and he got his phone back he immediately went to check his notifications.

His heart immediately dropped and broke once he saw the messages from Hongjoong. He now remembered how they had planned to meet up this week as well, at the same spot. Seonghwa hit himself in the head multiple times as he cursed at himself. How can I be this god damn stupid. He thought to himself. Suddenly his phone rang, it was Yunho, so he picked it up in an instant.

"Hello?" Seonghwa spoke

"Seonghwa, what in the hell have you been doing this past week?" Yunho's voice was filled with anger, although Seonghwa wasn't sure why.

"Listen, my dad had taken my phone for the week because I was supposed to get closer to this girl for his companies sake. trust me, I wasn't having a good time either." Seonghwa answered, a bit annoyed

"You mean your girlfriend?"

"You of all people should know I don't swing that way, where did you even get that from?" Seonghwa was growing more annoyed.

"The articles, Hyung."

"Oh for fucks sake, can you stop believing whatever those reporters have to say about my life that they know nothing about?!" Seonghwa shouted into his phone.

The call went silent for a bit as he heard Yunho sigh.

"You know why I called you right?"

"Literally no clue, Yunho."

"It's about Hongjoong."

Seonghwa immediately fell silent, if Yunho called him about Hongjoong, he knew something had gone wrong. And then he remembered, how he hadn't showed up at all this week to their planned meet ups, how he hadn't answered at all to his messages and so on. Now it was his time to sigh.

"Yunho. I want to make it up to him..." Seonghwa spoke quietly.

"Then do it, I've told you how fragile he is. And I get it wasn't your fault but rather your dad's, just please fix this. I hate seeing him like this..." Yunho sighed again

"I will I promise. I have to go now, I'll see you later." Seonghwa hung up.

He gripped his hair as he pulled at it lightly, sighing with a sad smile. He fucked up and he knew it. As well as all that, he tried to think of ways to make it up to Hongjoong, knowing he had probably disappointed and hurt the small guys feelings by not even texting him and never showing up after the week where they had continuously met up everyday. He felt bad.

Not knowing what to do, he went out. He wanted to feel something again so he went to their meet up spot, thinking it may make him think of something. What he didn't expect was to see Hongjoong there, sitting on a bench with a book and music in his ears. Maybe this is a sing? Seonghwa asked himself. Slowly he approached the smaller guy on the bench as he sat down besides him.

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