to him, she was perfect

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3:15 pm

"you melt right through me, my disguise"


𝓣o him, she was perfect. His eyes would linger over her body, taking in every little detail there was to note about her. He was inappropriate. The things he wanted to do with her were inappropriate. His thoughts were improper. He knew and oh, how much he loved it. He loved how wrong it was. He was her professor. He was older, not by much, but enough to notice. Her childlike look was what lured him in at first. Her submissive eyes and movements. How her body arched inwards in the middle yet curved out at her hips and chest. She was the perfect girl. Her innocent body could catch any males' attention and somehow she didn't take note of it. Somehow she couldn't feel his gaze on her. Although hard, he would only look towards her when he knew she wouldn't notice. When he knew no one would notice. It had to be kept a secret. if not, well, if not a secret then what else. He still wondered how she could be so utterly oblivious to his stare at her. The effect she left on him. That she was the one leading the blood down. Forcing him to sit down behind his desk and hide whatever she was doing to him.

And oh her innocence. It couldn't be compared to anything else in the world. Her innocence was his guilty pleasure. Because guilty he did feel when he would let himself think of such sinful things while at work. But regret he did not. How could he possibly regret finding such a treasure. How could he possibly regret calling her his little lolita.

While his class was working individually at the moment. He caught himself slipping. A slight smirk started to pull at the corners of his mouth. Quickly shaking his head and putting on the cold mask he always wore. How could anyone blame him? Her light pink pleated skirt paired with knee high socks melted into her beautiful thighs. Only to be cut off by slightly platformed babydoll shoes. That dangerously tiny pink top. It was all too much. And oh, that plain but stunning heart necklace she would wear everyday. He found himself wondering where she got it. He wished that he could eventually be the one to give her gifts she would wear everyday.

But he knew. He had seen how her eyes would eat him up every minute of the day. Would notice even the slightest change in his behaviour, his appearance, his mood. He even remembered the first time she spoke to him personally. She had asked him if he had gotten a new tie and told him that it looked nice. When not even he had noticed that he had grabbed his spare tie instead of his everyday one. He had answered her with a simple, "ah, thank you miss__". One Of the first times he noticed her fondness of himself. From the first time he had laid his eyes on her she caught his attention. She was simply too perfect for him. Everything he could have ever wished for and even more so. His own personal little lolita. It was like she was made for him. She couldn't be more perfect in his eyes. Never had he seen such a beauty.

He enjoyed making her embarrassed. Seeing that faint rosy colour on her cheeks sent a rush through him. Hence why he always called her out for not paying attention. He didn't even notice that when he wrote notes about the students for when he had to grade them, he had written little lolita on her page. Again though he quickly caught himself again. And with a solemn face, he changed her name to Miss__.

She was so immersed in the task given, that she failed to notice his voice in her ears. "Miss__, were you paying attention?". And she faintly flinched when his voice did reach her ears. A quick hum was heard by her. And once again he almost let his amused face show. "I said, were you paying attention? Why don't you summarize what we just discussed?". "Oh, i-i, i'm sorry, i guess my mind was elsewhere, sorry sir". His mind sure went elsewhere when she said that looking up at him so purely. He turned away with a sigh, not being able to keep his gaze on her. Not trusting himself enough to know he wouldn't take her right then and there. Oh my little lolita, why would you do this to me?

𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬 𝑳𝑶𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑨 ─── 𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝗌𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now