at the sound of rain

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10:36 pm

"Let me be your raincoat"

𝓐fter a couple more days observation of one another and occasionally him calling for her to speak with him about the assigned homework, as he had put it. They began speaking more. Not around others though, the most they ever did was a small smile or the familiar observation they continued to do, the only difference being that she was now aware of his stare. They even began spending the lunch period together in his office. She was still timid and slightly shy. But he knew she wanted to be there and that was all that mattered to him. She enjoyed his company even if they didn't talk. As did he. They were able to talk over text or over the phone, where they knew no one was to interrupt them. Their lips would regularly collide. It being hard for him to control himself around her. He was always the one to make the first move. No matter what it was. She couldn't bring herself to be as straightforward as he was. He however enjoyed being the one to decide how close they were. He had almost caught himself slipping at taking away her innocence. Tint it with his own pleasure. But for his own sake he had stopped.

He was driving home from work. She was walking home from school. Except she had already been home, then realized she forgot her key inside and now just wandered around outside. To add to the misfortune, not long ago it started raining. It was now pouring and she was drenched in the water coming from the sky. He noticed a small figure walking in the rain. It looked awfully familiar. Until he realized it was his little lolita. He hurriedly parked the car on the side of the street, careful not to get in the way of any other speeding cars. He opened the car without a second thought, only thinking of his wet and cold __.

She suddenly looked up as she felt the rain stopping only to find out that a jacket had been placed over her head. She heard an all too familiar voice "Lolita, what are you doing out here in the rain?". He sounded almost angry. He wondered how she could be so careless about her health. A selfish little thought invaded his mind. How am i supposed to see her if she wouldn't even attend my lectures? He couldn't help but let his mind wander to such things. So selfish.

Knowing she couldn't lie to him she told him how stupid she had been to leave her keys inside her house this morning. And how her mother wasn't coming home until early morning the next day. "__ why didn't you just call me. Now instead you're just all drenched and shivering". She hadn't even noticed how cold she had become and how her hands were red and shaking. "I'm sorry", "well then come on now, lolita, i'll drive you" he had failed to mention where, so she asked. "My place" he said walking to his car and placing himself in it. His place.

"Your place? But why would we go there?" she asked him, eager for his answer as she didn't understand his thoughts. She turned to look at his once she too was in his car. Still wet from the rain. "Well didn't you say you couldn't get into your apartment?" He asked as if it were obvious. "Well yes I suppose so". She averted her gaze down before looking to her thigh. Her thigh where he had placed his hand ever so casually. As if he didn't know how nervous it made her. She had looked to find his face. He was just looking out at the street. One hand on her leg while the other steering the wheel. She couldn't help but think that he looked just so good. His stern face looked so hot in her mind. And with his hand stroking her thigh lightly, her clothes weren't the only thing that was wet.

The ride was short and quiet. Neither of the 2 wanting, needing to speak, feeling more than happy just in each other's presence. When they eventually did reach his apartment and the car stopped, she couldn't help but think that her thigh felt so cold now. They entered his apartment and she didn't say anything. She merely looked around taking in her surroundings. His home was neat and very clean. He hated messy things. He couldn't stand the mere sight of something being out of place.

"Well, __ you're rather drenched now aren't you. I will get you a change of clothes". He barely had the time to finish his sentence when she told him, "You have a very nice apartment". He was shocked. She wasn't usually someone to say things out of context, or without being spoken to. But he thanked her and did as he said he would.

He had given her a large hoodie. So large that it swallowed him as well and had ordered her to dry her hoodie on the heater, knowing she was wearing spandex safety shorts underneath the thin layer. And she felt very comfortable in his clothing. When their eyes met again he was now sitting on the couch placed in the middle of the big room. He couldn't help but scan her entire body. Her little frame being almost too small for the hoodie. He told himself over and over again that she was in fact wearing something under. He was very much put on edge,yet it was his own fault. He didn't let it show though. Like he never did.

The atmosphere wasn't awkward. It was actually rather comfortable, other than the lingering tension in the air they breathed. Sexual tension that is. Both wanting each other badly but never saying anything.

He was still sat on the couch when he demanded, "Come here" as he motioned with his eyes to sit on the couch he too was. She obeyed him quietly and slowly. She sat down slightly turned towards him. Just before speaking he moved a little closer to her, and again, put his hand on her thigh. This time the other one. "Now why were you just wandering around in the rain. I told you to call me if you were ever in trouble didn't i?". He was concerned and she could hear it. She could feel it. "Well i didn't know if you were still at work, and even then i didn't want to disturb you." "And then you just let yourself be at risk of getting sick?". He sounded a little more irritated than his previous sentence. "But professor-" "We're not at school anymore, you can call me San". She looked down. Not being able to hold his eyes any longer. But he didn't let her as he lifted her chin with his finger making her look at him again. "But San, i didn't even know it was gonna rain," she said, sounding a little defeated. "No of course not, it's okay my little lolita". She had grown used to the nickname by now, growing a liking to it even.

She was very tempting in his eyes. Too tempting. And he couldn't hold it anymore. She was so adorable yet so alluring. He couldn't choose between the 2. But he eventually did when he placed his hungry lips on her. She didn't even hesitate to kiss him back with equal hunger. Once again their lips melted together with only so much passion. So much need. And more so want for one another. Nothing else mattered when their lips collided. They were so different yet so the same. They need such different things and yet only the other could give what they desired. 2 different worlds even. A miraculous disaster.

He moved her to sit on his lap by grabbing her waist. He tightly held on to her as if she could disappear at any moment just now. She held his face with the exact same desperation. Not being able to keep their hands from each other. Always needing some sort of connection with each other. Whether that was holding each other's eyes or the simple physical touch. His hands ran over her body with fast movements. Her gripping his hair, holding it between her fingers. His soft locks. And when she would pull at them, it only added to his pleasure. Averting his attention to her neck finally being able to mark it. He caressed her collarbones and neck with his lips, as only red marks were left. He felt himself growing. His arousal grew and it was only a matter of time before her innocence was long gone.

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