she was the flower

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1:02 am

"Prøver at find' dig rodet"

𝓗e glanced at her, once again, in his very own classroom. The scene of last night kept replaying in his mind. Her touch. His hands on her body. The humid air caused by their actions. When the last last breath of desire was drawn, he had taken her to his bedroom to sleep. He had put back on his hoodie he gave to her prior to the steamy event. They had fallen asleep next to each other, just like they had both always dreamed of. The next morning she didn't know what to do with herself. Neither did he. All they knew was that they simply could not keep their hands to themselves. She was given some of his clothes as they didn't have the time to drive all the way back to her house, to get some of hers. He enjoyed it all too much. Feeling like she was his, when wrapped in his shirt. And even though no one knew it was his, he felt a sort of comfort in it. They rode in his car on their merry way to the university. But in order not to raise suspicion, he dropped her off a little before they reached the building. Not forgetting to kiss her velvet lips, with his soft ones.

He couldn't stop looking. No matter how hard he tried, she still managed to draw his eyes to her beautiful face. She really was perfect, not just for him, but on the whole, she was simply the perfect girl. His lolita. The words sounded so good in front of her name. Like it was meant to be there. And so she was. She was utterly his and no one could deny it.

She didn't notice it at first. His gaze on her. Too occupied with her own thoughts and feelings to take note of it. She too, couldn't stop thinking about their hot bodies colliding. They way he showed all his love for her. How much she wanted it. Wanted him. She smiled to herself, feeling warm and snug. It was first when she looked up at him with that smile on her face, that she noticed his eyes locked with hers. His eyes emulated such appreciation. He looked at her like she was a snowflake, falling down from heaven. Like he couldn't believe she was right in front of him. Like he wasn't worthy of looking at such purity.

She waited for him in his office as per usual. Looking around his work room, at his desk. And all the papers scattered on top of it. It was drawings of none other than the one looking at them. She knew of his hobby but she had never actually the pen on paper. She backed away from them again as she heard the door open. Not to her surprise it was San walking in. He wasn't wearing his usual smile, he mostly did when greeting her. She frowned immediately at his expression. "What's wrong San?" she asked purely and with a quiet voice. He shook his head and sat down on his office chair with a hump. "Nothing, lolita, just work stuff". She took great notice of the nickname he had given her. "Is there anything i can do?" she asked him with pouted lips and doe eyes, desperate to make him feel better. "Just come here" he said as he gestured with his hands to come over to him. She did as told and sat sideways on his legs bringing her hands around him, engulfing him in a much needed hug.

He didn't want anything else than to be with his lolita right now. Her being the only stress reliever of his. His arms enclosing around her waist, his head in her neck. Her scent calming him down from the stress, that was work. He placed small pecks on her neck as well, not being able to hold back from touching her sweet, sweet neck. Still with his face in her neck he said "I have to work extra time these days because one of the other professors quit. So i also have to change my lunch period, so i can't see you during your lunch" even though both issues were bothering him, the latter seemed way worse to him. He finally lifted his head to look at her. "Well that's okay, there's nothing you can do i guess" she was looking down a bit saddened by the bad news he was bearing. "Hey i can still see you i the lectures and after work" he told her with a hopeful tone, hoping for it to cause a smile to lift her face. To be fair not much was needed for a grin to spread on her lips. Especially not when she was with him.

𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬 𝑳𝑶𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑨 ─── 𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝗌𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now