let the rain fall

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2:34 pm

"Every bit of me stuck on you"


𝓐 little time had passed since the change in his schedule. It wasn't optimal nor was it pleasant but there really was nothing she could do about it. She was now spending her time in the library when she couldn't be with her professor. It somewhat reminded her of him. Reminiscing times where she would sit there purely for the reason that was, watching him though the thick glass. Before she would eventually spend her time in that office of his together with him. Only to be put back in the library, only now not having anything to look at. She was so longing for his attention. Not just his attention but also just his presence. His presence and the feeling of his eyes on her body and face, was enough for her to feel totally safe. And now being left with nothing was odd. Abnormal. She practically lived with him now too. Spending more time, more nights, at his place than the one she shared with her mother. Her mom was barely home, too caught up with work, to even notice her absence. She didn't mind though, it freed her from having to explain herself to her mother.

She would always wait for him at the back of the school parking lot, where he would park his car. She would wait for him to finish his work. He had been working a lot lately and she was really his only savior. His only distraction. She always managed to get his mind off his work and onto something else. A grin instantly spread across her whole face as she saw her professor coming towards her. Her smile could brighten even the worst of his days. Even the coldest man on earth wouldn't be able to resist her smile, he was sure of that. And so her smile reached his face as well.

Before she could even speak a sound he lips met with hers. In the most loving way. "God, i have missed you" he spoke to her and she told him the same but in a more hushed voice. She was still fairly shy despite having spent so much of her time with him. She could never stop being flustered around him. He was all too tempting in so many ways.

They got in his car and drove to their usual hideout. His flat. His hand found it's usual spot. On her slik thigh. After a long day of no contact, he took every opportunity to touch her skin. And as she most often wore skirts, it wasn't all too hard. His hand almost hovered over her skin. His touch being that light. His hand moved towards her inner thigh. Her skin was always the softest on her inner thigh, he had learned. She didn't seem to mind, as she merely looked at him with the most adoring smile plastered on her face. The breeze was lightly hitting her face. She closed her eyes and just felt it. Felt the love of his hand on her body. The freeing air around her. The happiness that covered her whole body and reached all the way in her heart. Just as he did.

Both San and the doe eyed one stepped inside of his home. The all too familiar smell hit her nose. She took a big breath in, feeling at home. She walked on, making her way to the kitchen before feeling big arms wrapping around her tinsy waist. He was awfully touchy today. Sensing a disconnection from her whole day. The day wasn't any different to the others. They didn't spend any more time away from each other than the previous days. And yet today he couldn't help but want an extra amount of affection from her.

She took his hands in hers and they slowly made it to the kitchen, still being wrapped about each other. Once they stood still she turned to his front side. She looked up at him and grabbed his hands in her soft ones. She turned around a little in her place, his eyes on her were making her very nervous for no reason at all. "Why are you so soft today?" she asked, interested in his (pretty normal) odd behaviour. "I just missed you lots". He had the most adoring eyes in the world. Filled with love only for her. "But why today?" she asked him further. "I don't know". Now he was the one to look down, feeling shy all of a sudden, almost mumbling his words. This action placed a tiny smile on her lips. She placed her tilted head under his, making him look at her again. Her childish action made him grin and chuckle slightly.

"oh, lolita, you always know how to make me smile" he said as his fingers found her hips. He lifted her up in a swift movement, placing her on the snow white kitchen counter. As his eyes traveled across her whole body, his hands following along, her hands attached themselves to his neck. They were now at eye level. They couldn't possibly adore each other any more, and yet the love never seemed to get any smaller. "I have a question for you San", "Well go on", he was eager for her to keep going as it was rare for her to be the one asking the questions. "Why is it that you call me lolita?". She always wondered about this. The only thing she could think of when he called her by the name, was the novel they recently read. "Well don't you think it's fitting? You always tempt me at the wrong times and you don't even realize it. You look so, arousing". The word arousing, making him look down towards his own arousal. It wasn't uncommon for him to make comments like this, however that didn't mean she became any less shy because of it. "Don't say that" she told him innocently. He only came closer, placing his lips on her in a soft and loving kiss.

The little one was now off the counter and on her way to the living room. But before she could do that, she was ranked back into her lover's embrace. He had, in a fast movement, grabbed the belt loops of her shorts that were way too big for her. He pulled her to him again holding on to the belt lops with his dear life. The air was clearly tainted with a tension of lust. As it almost always was. He found it had not want her all the time, when she was just looking so tempting all the time. He grasped the sides of her body, wanting her unbelievably close to his own. "Not so fast, little one" he had spoken to her in a seductive tone. He lifted one hand to take away the little strands of hair that had placed themselves in her face. His fingers followed down her cheek. You would think she was used to these kinds of actions, as they did occur probably every single day. But she wasn't, which only made it all the more fun for him to do it.

They were now sat in the couch in the living room. Her head layed comfortably on his lap as his finger smoothly brushed through her satin lock. They were simply enjoying each other's company with a word being spoken. The silence already spoke so many words. She began to think, a certain thought that had been bothering her for quite some time now. She just couldn't seem to shake the thought. That feeling. Her eyes were placed on the oakwood ceiling of her professor's apartment. "I think my father was a bad person", she stated, not taking her eyes off the ceiling above her. San didn't even have to put his eyes on her as they were already there. "What do you mean, lola?". He had all too many nicknames for his lolita. Lola was one of the many, it being an abbreviation of lolita. "I, i think he did stuff to me that i did want" she said being sure to put an emphasis on the word want. "What things?". A frown was now evident on his confused face. "You know things we do and stuff", her voice quieting down at the end of the sentence. She was slightly embarrassed addressing things, like the thing she and San did. He started understanding what she meant. A strange feeling arose inside of him. How could someone do something so horrible to my lolita? "I just don't think i want to remember it and think that's why i'm so helpless all the time", she, all of a sudden, sounded almost sad and let down. He didn't quite know what to say to that, "You know i would never do that to you, right?", he was now getting concerned, deeply hoping she would never think that low of him. This sentence made her rise from her lying position and to look him straight in the eyes. "Of course i know that. I know you would never do that.", her head sank once more, only for him to take her chin between his fingers and lift it again. He melted their lips together in a sweet kiss. He separated from her lips and looked at her, his face only centimeters from her. "I'll make sure nothing like that ever happens to you"

She placed her head on his sitting chest as he embraced her with his arm comfortingly. "I lost my little sister when i was younger. But my mind doesn't want to really remember that either. That's also why i always want to take care of you" he told her after she just confessed her past to him."I like it when you take care of me. I need it. I need you", she simply told it the way it was. "I love you so much, you know that, right?", he suddenly felt the need to say that to her, suddenly he felt scared that she didn't know. She didn't answer with words but simply turned her head to look at her lover and quickly kissed his lips. Her actions spoke louder than words ever could.

The night was getting late. The sky was now black only the stars lighting it up. They stood in front of the window looking at the beautiful view of the city lights. His arms were softly encasing her fragile shoulders as his chin was rested on them. They could only slightly see their own reflection in the polished glass. And in that moment nothing else mattered to them.

𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬 𝑳𝑶𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑨 ─── 𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝗌𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now