art on paper

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2:12 pm

"The flowers will be blooming"


𝓢he had flashed him a quick smile before hurrying to her lesson, still managing to be late because of her wandering thoughts. Her professor had kissed her. And without knowing she touched her lips gently with her fingers. Her fingers that had, just a minute ago, been on professor San's chest and arms.

He didn't really know what to do with himself either. He was euphoric, still being able to taste her lips on his. Now he could only plan what he was gonna do tomorrow and the day after that and so on. She had no idea what that little smile did to him. What her every move did to him. Hell he didn't even know himself. But he did know that he sure wasn't done with her.

Sleep came easy to her as it always did. And as she woke up again. Not surprisingly he was the first thing in her mind. She was scared to meet him. To look him in the eyes again. Except now it was different because she knew he would be looking back at her. She was almost excited to see him again. As she was everyday. But now it was different because he wanted to see her too. As he also always did. Yet neither of them knew. Knew how when the other wasn't looking, a hungry and desperate gaze lingered over them. They wanted the same but different things.

Before classes would start he would always spend his spare time in his office. Once a place that reminded him of work but now reminded him of her. Drawings of her would scatter themselves over his desk. Drawing upon drawing. It started when he first saw her sitting in the library looking rather distracted. Drawing had always been his hobby. The only problem being that he never knew what to draw. But when he saw her sitting there so peacefully. There wasn't a doubt in his mind. And after drawing her so many times he didn't even have to look at her to be able to create an image so accurate you would think it was a picture. His mind knew every little detail there was to know about her. He had studied her and she was his favorite subject. His brain always being able to come up with a new picture of her. His mind going crazy with pictures of her. There simply wasn't enough paper for all of his thoughts to come to life.

And today he found himself in class before the students even. Not being able to stand the lingering sexual tension in the air of his office. And when he heard the door open for the first time, he was surprised. Surprised to see her enter as the first student. He raised his eyebrows at her "Not late today i see?". She didn't even answer with words, only sending a small smile his way. Happy to see him. Happy to see her, he returned the slight smile with a slight smirk. As she walked to the back of the classroom and sat down on a seat, his eyes followed. Biting his lip, liking the sight. He didn't have long though as she turned around again and the other student came waltzing in.

The lesson couldn't go faster. He wanted it to end quickly so he could, "Miss__ may i speak to you for a minute?". She stopped in her tracks and turned around. Eyeing him nervously. He was leaning against his desk in the classroom. Looking as amazing as ever. "You should wear that top more, you look so beautiful in it," he said, not knowing which adjective to use for her. Having too many. Tempting, sexy, lovely, alluring, stunning, Irresistible. "Thank you sir" shy, she was "What did you want to speak to me about?" "Come here," he said, not bothering to answer her question. Not even having an answer to it. He in fact had nothing to speak to her about. He simply wanted to be alone with her. "Oh, and don't forget to lock the door"

𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬 𝑳𝑶𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑨 ─── 𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝗌𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now