hands on my body

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11:21 am

"Don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms"


𝓢he stopped immediately when she felt hands laying themselves on her waist. She looked up only to see no one. She put the pieces together and realized in a span of 2 seconds that it was her professor's hands on her body. And oh did it feel good. But before she could enjoy it too much the owner of the hands spoke. "You kind of what?" his voice came out breathy. "I kind of uhm, relate to Lolita" she complied with him and kept speaking. "How so?" He asked further. His hands going further, caressing her sides sensually and suggestively. Again she felt like she had to keep speaking and so she did. "I think she needs some kind of, security. As do i. She thinks she needs someone like him for that". He had begun to place light feathery kissing on her neck and shoulders. As if tasting her. However he was trying so hard not to give in to his desires and mark her skin with his lips.

She couldn't concentrate. She couldn't keep speaking. But when he had once again asked her to continue she found herself speaking before even thinking about it. "and, and" she simply didn't know what to say. Her mind didn't want to focus on anything else than him. To her surprise he didn't ask her to resume her thoughts about the book Lolita. Instead lifting one of his hands to her neck reaching for her necklace. His fingers so close to wrapping around her sweet neck. "This is a very nice necklace, where did you get it?" "My father," she said. He made note of the pain laced in between her words. He didn't say anything else. Letting the necklace fall from his fingers. His fingers brushing across her baby soft skin. Feeling over her chest and collarbones. Finding her shoulders at last and grazing the strap of her top, making it fall off her shoulder and onto her arms.

She couldn't help it anymore. His hands stroking the sides of her arms leaving a trail of goosebumps after them. Sending the hair on her arms to face the skyes. She had to look in his eyes. But she barely had the chance to. As she turned around in a swift movement, she didn't even have time to scamber the lust in his eyes, before his lips melted onto hers. Their lips fit perfectly together. As if he was the last missing piece to the puzzle that was herself. His hands finding her waist easily again. She struggled to take in what was happening to her. But after then, her hands found their way to his chest. Standing on her tippy toes, desperate to feel him even more. Also to be closer to his height.

She felt him groan slightly. Feeling her lips on his after such a long time of imaginization. The vibration giving them both an even more pleasurable experience. Without even knowing they both had been imagining this exact moment many times. They were both obsessed with each other and couldn't ever get enough.

She felt a grin forming on his lips as he whispered. "Eager now are we". And to that she pouted sadly. His lips left her too quickly, she believed. To her luck though he pushed her backwards a little. To when she felt her legs hit Choi San's desk. He pushed her further forcing her to sit down on the desk. Both of his hands now grabbing her face softly. Almost afraid to break her. Now almost having to bend down, him becoming even taller than before. His lips greedily meet hers again. She grabbed his arms a little bit, needing some sort of support. He made her spread her legs a little so he could stand between them. Pressing himself against her, she could feel his arousal a tiny bit. It made her cheeks flush, seeing how she was the cause of it.

He couldn't dream of anything else. He found himself creasing his eyebrows as if it would help him take her in as much as possible. But he couldn't help it. He wanted her so bad. He was able to release her lips again as he was the one in control of their lips. He breathed heavily as his hands dropped to her waist once again. He looked down because he was afraid that if he looked up again, before he calmed down. He wouldn't be able to stop himself from bending her over his own desk, filled with papers to grade and drawings he usually occupied his time with. He couldn't do that to her. Even kissing her felt like he was staining her innocence. Even though he wanted to ruin her. To take away her innocence. There was something about it. Her innocence. That he adored so much and he wanted to enjoy for just a little while longer.

Her doe eyes still stared at him. Her hands exactly where he wanted them to be. On his chest. His toned and muscular chest. She also had to stop herself from feeling all over him. Although he sure would enjoy it as much as she would. If not more. When he finally looked up at her, he smiled. He couldn't help it. When she looked so absolutely adorable even after he just devoured her face. She looked rather confused but mesmerised at his smile. "Oh, my little lolita, what i wouldn't like to do to you. Do you even know what you do to me while i'm working? How you send all my blood rushing down, how hard you make me when i'm supposed to be working. Do you know?". His smile went down and his expression became serious. "I'm sorry professor" was the only thing she mustered the courage to say. "I would normally punish you for being such a bad girl, my little lolita. But since your next period is in approximately 2 minutes i will let you go". She didn't even notice how fast time had passed when he mentioned that. Her eyes widened at his words. Not only because of the obvious nickname he had given her. She hurriedly grabbed her bag that had found its way to the ground in the heat of the moment. She wanted nothing more than to never leave Choi San's office ever again. But she knew she had to get to her class in time. Her mind going to the start of her and her professors' conversation. Don't be late. He had said. But before she could leave a hand grasped her wrist. She looked back at him. He slowly pulled her to him. He couldn't let her leave before he had done this. He looked at her with so much emotion yet she didn't see even one bit of it. He gently placed his lips on hers one last time. Savouring her as well as he possibly could before saying, "now go, you don't want to be late, do you?"

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