Monsters only exist in Nightmares

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The first thing that hit me was the pheromones. I immediately choked. My breathing labored from the sheer pressure of pheromones. The amount caused me to sink to my knees and throw up. There wasn't even sexual excitement, just frustration, anger and danger in these pheromones. I sat there for a while, gathering myself before I turned to look around the room. I seem to be in a living room of sorts. I could feel myself starting to lose hold of my pheromones causing some to leak out. Although I was hit with a heat suppressant I had had some training coming from my parents to build immunity to it.

A noble omega never loses control. My mothers voice floated through my head causing me more anger than anything else. It was child abuse, what kind of parent drugs their child repeatedly in the sake of honor.

I shook my head trying to refocus on my current situation.

This whole scene reminded me of a horror movie. The furniture and decorations are a mess and some are broken. From the outside I hadn't heard any sounds or smelled anything leading me to believe those heavy doors did more than just lock me in. A loud beep was heard from an intercom system. I needed to move. My mind started to race. Maybe if I could find a place to hide I could buy some time. I saw a door to the left and two to the right and behind the living room I saw a cutout bar showing parts of the kitchen behind it. I decided to head to my left first. If I could find a place to hide then maybe I could survive till my mind was clearer from the inducer.

The inducer however was making everything foggy ,making me want an alpha, any alpha even this violent beast that could probably kill me. Using my senses I could tell if I went down the hallway I would find the alpha my omega was crying for but my mind was telling me that was probably a bad idea. No shit mind of course it's a bad idea let's try to get as far as I can from him first maybe I can lock myself in a room.

I went into the door to my left. It was an office that seemed to be hit by a tornado. I walked as quietly as I could using the most of my willpower to suppress my pheromones. I turned to close the door just to realize the doorknob was broken and so was the door. Someone had already tried to hide here. Fear started to build as I turned and walked towards the desk in the middle of the room. Maybe I could hide under it. Just buy a bit of time. As I got close to it enough to see over it I paused, biting my tongue to stop the scream that was building in my throat. Just a brief glance was all it took for me to turn around and throw up once more. My stomach was already empty from already throwing up before so all I could manage was to spit up and hack up my lung. The tears flowed from my eyes. A fucken monster. This alpha was a fucken monster.

I tried to regain myself. Taking big breaths which was possible the worst idea to do in this place as I inhaled more pheromones.

I steeled myself as I thought to myself. I was going to be killed anyway. The suppressant was numbing me. I felt it as I realized I had fallen into the glass on my hands and hadn't felt any of the pain. If I let go of my consciousness and fell into the suppressant I wouldn't feel anything. I would die without any pain. I could buy my new friend some time. I could die hopefully to save someone even if I didn't really know them. If I waited until the suppressant finished I would have to be fully awake to deal with the hell I would undergo. Completely sober to feel everything.

I made up my mind.

I got up and walked back out towards the living room towards the hall that I knew would have the very real monster that would kill me. Each step became harder as the amount of pheromones burned me. On the way to the scent I had passed several other doors coming across some of the omegas I had seen earlier. I stopped at the end of the hallway. There was a door to my right and one in front of me. I turned to the one to my right where the pheromones were the heaviest. I opened it to reveal a huge closet. This alpha had a whole room for his closet.


A heavy repetitive sound was heard from deeper within his closet. As I approached the sound another door came into sight, a bright light behind it. The heavy thuds stopped as a series of footsteps sounded rushing to the door from the other side and the door was thrown open.

Monster, my mind was screaming as we locked eyes about 7 feet from each other.

He wasn't tall for an alpha but his body was muscular so developed my omega stirred inside me. He had shoulder length blonde hair that came down in layers, his eyes were pitch black making me forget to breathe from the fear. He was naked except for some black boxers that hung low on his v cut abs. His knuckles were dripping blood.

That's not his blood. A small shiver ran through my back.

He was breathing hard, his pheromones out of control unleashing just rage. We stood there paused, frozen looking at each other. Predator and prey gauging each other's reactions. He took one slow step towards me. The sudden step broke me from my trance as I unconsciously took a step back too. Wrong move

Rage erupted from his face as his eyes exploded with pure murder as he rushed towards me. Seeing him rush towards me I did the only things I could think of. All the pheromones I had been suppressing with willpower alone I released them in a burst. His hazy eyes turned from pure rage to lust seconds from reaching me as my pheromones hit him. His momentum from running at me shoved me to the ground under him. One hand catching his fall, the other around my neck.

He paused as he growled over me. Sniffing the air as my pheromones and his begin to mix in the air. His pheromones were heavy and imposing, mine although laced with fear blended with them finally reaching his nose. I submitted to him. I leaned my head to the side giving my total access to my neck. His hand around my neck twitched just a little as he leaned down into my neck.

He started to inhale deeply, finally calming some of his bloodlust in the air replacing it with sexual excitement. My hands had been put in front of me and were lightly touching his chest. I could push him away but the omega in me told me not to push away an alpha in rut that would only cause anger. I decided to listen to my omega for once in my life. Feeling the heat continue to build my mind started to fog as I started inhaling his pheromones that held sexual excitement. I felt myself starting to get wet as I felt one of his knees between my legs feeling the warmth of his naked body. He stopped inhaling to look down between my legs, feeling the wet spot between my legs as I tried to squeeze my legs closed.

Submit. Submit. Inside. Fuck me. My mind started to repeat as the inducer fucked with my thoughts.

He turned back to look up at me still submitting, a grin starting to replace his look of rage before. His hand moved from my neck to the other side of my head. He leaned back down into my neck once more. Inhaling completely as he buried his face into his neck.

At that moment I realized something. I might be able to survive. If there was even a chance for me to survive. I was going to take it.

Treat it like a one night stand, let your heat take over. My omega whispered to me. Think of it like one of those "interviews" your parents made you attend when you serviced other dominant alphas for you to find a fiancé. This is just another alpha spending his rut with you. If he enjoys it you'll live and then you can be free. You also would have saved your friend. Finally, have a friend that your parents didn't buy and actually likes you.

I let go to my omega. I released all my pheromones, completely surrendering. I felt my eyelids half droop from the influx of the scents as I became drunk off the pheromones. Let my omega take over to not suffer. If my survival relied on me submitting to this alpha. I was going to take it.

The alpha above me growled and his body started to shake from excitement from the complete surrender. He immediately bit my neck. His canines stopped only stopped by the thick leather collar. The pressure from my collar hitting my scent glands caused me to gasp. My hands that had been on his chest encircled his back. My nails dug into his skin as my legs encircled his waist trying to pull him towards me. I moaned from the pressure.

"Mine" A deep voice said as he released my neck.

If I was going to walk into hell, I was going to enjoy it if I could.

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