The gangs all here.

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Do you know what's the worst injustice in life? Its not that i was kidnapped and used as sex toy. No it wasn't even the fact that life was just unfair to me multiple times. The greatest injustice was that besides all this I couldn't even sleep without being woken up by the a bunch of screaming, shattering and clanging. Even in this hell hole of a situation they had the audacity to wake me up with so much damn noise. All my life I was never able to sleep at my own pace. At my own home I was awoken by my parents, when I lived alone I was awoken by the alarm signalling me for my work and school and you would expect that in this situation at least I would be able to sleep? But no even here I was forced to wake up to the sounds of a storm of hellfire.

I was sleeping so good I had almost forgotten my current predicament. The noises had shaken me awaken to the point I forgot where I was banging my damn head in the cabinent I was hiding from.

A mixture of screaming out by multiple people, along with the sounds of items being broken filled the air for a while till it started to quiet down.

What the hell are they doing?

"Y/n! Y/n!" the sounds of my name filled my ears.

They were calling for me. It must be my rescue! I know, I know, like how can I be sure I reasoned with myself. Well first off when I was kidnapped with my fake identification they would no doubt still believe my fake name was real and for them to know my real name it must be my rescue. My information had always been kept confidential. Also it stood to reason the rescue mission was why they were breaking stuff. It wasn't my first time being in a kidnapping situation because of my family so it was just another drill.

As I filled myself with hope I couldnt help but celebrate to myself. My parents would no doubt lock me up till my next engagement but at least there they would feed and treat me properly. Being in prison isn't as that bad when you had wifi and a chef at your disposal. As I carefully got out of the cupboard, I realized how sore my poor body felt. The pain to walk was excruciating, my wounds burnt.

As I walked out of that small restroom thru the closet and out the hall I couldn't help but think of the first meal I would have. Being kept in captivity they had been feeding me pretty much ration food to barely keep us alive without indulging us. After all the exercise I'd had I really did need a worthwhile meal.

As I got closer to the shouting I couldnt help but start running the closer I got, bursting into the living room yelling with all the excitement that had been building

"I'M HERE!" (said in native language)

The silence was deafening.



Yeah nope this wasn't my fucken rescue.


I'm a fucken idiot for believing life actually works out for me.

The combined silence in the room by these people, most in suits, who I didn't recognize and some I did recognize as captors only made me exhale. I had obviously interrupted some kind of meeting or discussion since they all sat or stood in a circle in the living room.

"Well shit man. " (said in native language). It wasn't bad enough that I got caught now I had to be in a room full of people I didn't know. I've never been a social person and the thought of walking into a room of about 30 people in nothing but a shirt and socks.....

I looked down.

Oh my god. I had nothing but a shirt and socks... I didn't even have underwear underneath. Like would being in underwear be any better in this situation. I was highly underdress this was like those dreams where you would be somewhere in nothing but your underwear.

Another Bird for a cage (MikeyxReader)Where stories live. Discover now