Gotta know some defeat

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"Mikey did it work?" Takemitchy voice sounded thru the darkness of my sleep. My eyelids felt so heavy as if the weight of the world took over them. I was here yet not quite here. I knew I should wake up but my body severe tiredness won out. I felt a hand comb thru my hair. The scent all to familiar.

I could force myself awake but honestly I was just too tired. I felt myself resign itself to pretending to be asleep.

"Hey Takemitchy!" Mikey voice said gleefully. The former timidly stepping closer his heavy footsteps resounding as he approached us.

"It worked. Ah my omega is passed out now. I need something to wrap her in.... Also something to purge her smell. It's been running too loose recently" distaste tinging his sentence. His fingers tightening in my hair. I felt myself wince as a groan escaped my lips.

His hands loosened ever so slightly but not completely. I just knew he was relishing in my pain.

As I heard the footsteps leave I felt the warm breath on my neck as I felt him grasp my neck. "It's almost soon my love." I could hear him breathe deeply as he took in my scent. 


My body shivered at the realization as I pretending this farse. My heat was coming. I knew it. Now he knew it too. I was almost worried for a moment till

My skin tingled at his warmth as the heaviness of realization started to weigh on me.  

Wait it'll be okay. I still have Hope... hahaha get it hope free hope.. I laughed within my mind at my own pun... I needed friends. 

The internal dialogue causing a smile to unknowingly form in my head. 

I'm getting drowsy again.

  SO SLEEPY. I'll be fine what's the most this short fuse can do. Kill me... well yeah but at least he cant mark me. That thought soothing me more as I tried to stay up only to feel a soft blanket envelop me. The warmth coursing my body which hadn't felt cold until now. 

Fuck not again.  As I feel into deep sleep again.


Warmth coursed thru my body, heating me thru my core. 

I felt so damn warm...

A lil too warm...

Okay actually it's hot.. I tried to shift myself unsuccessfully.

Why is it so hot?  I tried to move a bit more unable to. My tiredness refusing to open my eyes if i didnt have to.

No Its fucken blazing, that thought causing me to try to move a bit more harshly only to realize I couldn't.

WHAT THE F IS IT SO DAMN HOT HERE?!!! my mind shouted jolting me awake. My vision greeted almost with darkness, as I signed only to feel my hot breath come into contact with a wall inches away from it. WTF.

I paused letting myself adjust to the darkness as my mind cleared.

"OMG mother fucker put me in the burrito of doom again." I said out loud just out of pure spite. Every fucken night since I've woken from the damn coma without fault this bitch would wrap me up like a goddamn burrito and hold me like his life depended on it. PTSD from the first time he left me alone to wake up I guess.  Every night without fail I would pitch a fit and fight my way to avoid it. But naw here I was... in a blanket... wait a minute... in two blankets?!! I was hot and uncomfortable every night and now this dick put me in two blankets because I finally almost escaped one... As I angrily  squirmed feeling like a earthworm on dry ground I felt two arms encircle me as a drowsy voice sounded.

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