Old Acquaintance

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I ran became free, returned home where I met Prince Charming who was the love of my life and explicitly rich. We married, had kids and lived to an old age. The End.

Yeah no that's not how the world works.  Things just don't work out.  I ran until my feet were a bloody mess. My pheromones were running more and more rampant only causing alphas to run amok and chase me too. Eventually my small mob drew the attention of the officer who became a few officers and I was quickly transferred to the ambulance. My mind was foggy with heat and adrenaline  that the memories seem to blend as I was rolled  into the ambulance. I looked like shit. Running blindly to escape from the alphas who had joined the chase left me with more severe bruises and my feet in terrible conditions. As I was put in the ambulance I tried to grab the paramedic hand.

"Help me." I began to mumble. I felt really hot.  My impending heat had become an uncontrollable dam that was bursting at the scene.  The pheromone grooming of two psychopaths had brought it forward.

"Mam don't worry we will help you as much as possible can you tell us your name and nationality anyone we can call?" The paramedic seemed to say loudly as I felt a needle in my arm.  A suppressant... My mind seemed to condescend that action. yeah that's not gonna work on me.  "Won't work. Won't"

My heat making his face swirl in circles.

"Her fevers climbing how soon to the nearest hospital. No change on monitor vitals stable."  He seemed to ignore me. "Administering dose 2" he announce as I felt another needle in my arm. I hissed as it only served to make me feel sicker.I wanted to let him know the regular suppressants they carry would never work. I grabbed his arm.  I felt him still.


"Mam are you allergic? We will get to the hospital soon."

"Dominant Omega S23"  I managed to start to murmur. The man's eyes seem to widen as he heard what I said.

"We got a royal here!!" He screamed.  Royal is that what they call it here? It seemed the code names changed with the country but not the importance. As he began taking my vitals he seemed to panic more. Dominant omegas were worldwide importance and countries even relied on us when it came to bridging relationships. My temperature was rising exponentially. My Brain beginning to fry from the heat.  Unlike regular omega, we dominants were government managed.  Some countries hadn't cared for their omegas as well as others bringing extinction in their country which lead to the alphas running amok.We were a tool for controlling dominant alphas and alphas in power and what other better control then their need for pheromone grooming?  Because of this there was never a need or acceptance of dominant omega suppressants.  If someone did try to make some they faced bankruptcy or even murder.  We were just a precious resource. 

Being a dominant landed me in a lovely private omega facility. Or should I say a 5 star prison.  Every major nation had one of these facilities were dominants come for their heats and get to eat, drink and copulate with dominant alphas or alphas of high importance as much as they wanted. Me being a foreigner and not without proper paperwork  brought upon a wave of issues.  I was in demand as I was wheeled into the facility I saw the faces that blurred around me the white coats. The poking and prodding. The arguments all these memories so hazy.  I saw a face only having it to morph into another. 

As I was put into a room helped onto the bed I buried into the sheets my own bed. I dug my hands into the seats feeling the  soft sheets between my fingers. Pheromones danced within my nose I felt like i was on fire.  As I settled into this hot mess a smell erupted into my nose as my head shot up. An alpha entered the room I noticed him he froze taking it in. At first I felt comfortable until his smell reached my nose. Then disgust flooded me. This wasn't mine or even a dominant to ease me.  This feeble alpha had the audacity to enter my room. I might have been some deranged alpha captive for some weeks but he had been a top tier dominant and these people dared to send me this to my room. He carried an air of pompous attitude angering me further.  I was still a royalty in my own right. I was a pure blooded dominant from an amazing line. I had a family that carried importance and monetary wealth that could rival small nations. These people might not have known that but the S in the number I gave should of been a tall tell of who and what I was. I made the psychopath behave like a pet yet this one dared to hold his head so high.  Anger replaced the heat as I turned the pheromones into a heavy deadly scent that attacked his pheromones.
He crumbled.  He knees hit the ground as he gasped  like a fish under water. He began to scratch his glands as my scent made his feeble glands burn like he was on fire. I sat down and watched him. My anger so vivid. I wanted him to suffer. How dare he enter my room with that attitude. As I glanced at him struggling I remembered my mother's words " You pompous viper if only you were an alpha you would of been of use to us." I crawled forth to him. Turning to look at his face. A face I remember vividly before.

"I'm sorry. I'll treat you well now"

I lessened my pheromones his breathing stilled as his breathing stilled. I looked at his familiar face within my view. I let him bask in my pheromones before abandoning him to to lay in my bed.

My last memory being of the white coats coming to retrieve their pathetic alpha. Then i woke up.

I felt crisp and clear. My mind hazy probably from the lack of fluids but not in the worst position. I looked around spying a mini fridge in my room. As i leisurely took a water I went to the restroom to take a shower. My morning leisurely as I greeted the servants who came to the room to clean and led me to the dining area where I could grab a meal. As I sat there leisurely the chair across from me was pulled back drawing my attention up.

I looked into her golden hued eyes a smile forming on my face. She stared at me a moment just quietly gauging me. A tilt of her haid causing her long light brown hair with a hint of orange to fall to one side of her head. She smiled leaning back into her chair.

"What a pretty little thing you are. I didn't expect to see you here." The smooth voice laden with sarcasm. My smile catching my face as I laughed. Amusing myself by twirling my fork in the pasta deeply amused by the reencounter.

"Yazuha baby how are you? I met your brother a time ago. Tell him I'm sorry I didn't know it was him. I'll treat him better next time."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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