Red light

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Everyone was on edge today. Not that they weren't on edge every day.  It had been a couple of days and it seemed that whatever was happening outside was serious enough to take the blonde idiot away from here for most of the time.  He was always so busy to the point that he would come in anger to hold me for a quick pheromone grooming before walking out the door. Sometimes I would feel him come home at night and sleep only for him to be gone before I woke up.

This meant my plans for taming him were just going to be put on pause as my only source of amusement had all but disappeared. I stretched on the couch lookin at the tv to watch the movie playing on the tv as the beta guard dogs watched me like a hawk from the corner of the only door into this hellhole.  I stared at the tv that had changed since I had moved here.  Probably a gift from my movie buddy before. I glanced upwards yawning inconspicuously, as I caught the sheen from the camera on the corner that changed as well here.

I could almost feel his gaze from the cameras as well. The little red button blinking every couple of minutes distracting me.  I looked at the tv hitting the guide to glance at the time. 

3:26 pm

Damn it was still so early.  Another change that had happen was the visits from Hina. I looked forward to it.  At first I continued my no Japanese but after a while of having little to no conversations i began to speak to her low enough that the guards couldn't really listen. Not that they showed any care of me speaking English. They probably didn't know I was pretending not to. I once again glanced at the camera. They didn't have sound.  Or else lover boy would of mentioned it or something. Guess they were nervous of the cameras being hacked and recording some of their "conversations".

"Shhhwww shwww shwww" The sound of low whispering breaking me out of my trance.

The guards were whispering again. The whispering between them making me uneasy.  As I sat on the couch lounging leisurely remote in hand I could feel the tension in the air. I Don't Like This.

I was bored so bored. I couldn't even harass Takamitchy with my jokes.  Pretty little Hina wasn't here for girl time yet. More whispering.  I look up catching their eyes on me, before they glanced away.

I turned to stare directly at the guard in front of me. He blinked our eyes catching before he veered his head away and whispered more words into the other ones ear.

Weird.  A shiver running up my spine. I felt unsafe I don't know why. The ever common "Girl Sense" all women tend to have that just make them know when's something is wrong when some people look at them was sending  screaming signals to my brain.  Wait this was weird,  they wouldn't dare would they? Beyond weird. I stilled myself sitting up slowly. My movements causing their eyes to snap to me.

I stood up turning to leave to the bedroom.  The bedroom was safe... safer. The heavy steel doors could offer some protection.

They walked towards me. Blocking the hallway their hands up to stop me. Goosebumps raised on my skin.

My fight or flight about to kick in.

"Mam please sit down on the couch.  The master is visiting  soon. "

I stared at him. Visiting?  Didn't the master live here... Unless this is where he kept his partners... That was weird oddly posing me off. I turned slightly to walk around him.   The other guard coming up behind me.

"Sit down madam on the couch. We don't want to make you but we have orders."

I felt shivers I took some steps back the one behind me moving slightly allowing me space to sit on the couch. He picked up the remote to give me the other one continued to stand blocking off the hallway.

I decided to finish to watch the movie.  .... My mind racing when I paused glancing up.. I stared at the corner
1 minute. Huh.

2 minute. Uhm did I just miss it.

3 minutes. I'm just stressing myself out.

4 minutes. It's going to blink anytime now

5 minutes the blood started to chill through my bones

6 minutes I felt fear override me.

7 minutes... the cameras that since connected were always watching me were off.

All of a sudden one of the guards walked to the door putting his palm on the reader unlocking the door.  I rose sharply.  I felt myself start to tremble. Fear.

I was safe as long as I was being watched.

I wanted to bolt.

Until i notice more men walking into the room then usual. Lining up the walls and behind me. My body tensed up. I stilled all my pheromones.  So much aggression from a lot of them . Some alphas, some betas all of them gave the feeling of murdering me without batting a glance.  As I turned to glance at the door I felt a hand from behind roughly push my head down.

You want me to fucken bow? I think the FUCK NOT

I immediately start to fight pushing back, then too the side.

"Quit it.  BOW YOUR FUCKEN HEAD! "  the voice seem to snarl at me from behind as I continue to fight. All of a sudden i felt the hand weave through my hair grasping it from the root and yanking it violently.

I screamed from the pain. I felt another hand smack the back of my head black stars danced in my vision.

"Awww do you wanna put up a fight? Just bow your fucken head omega.."

"LET ME GO!" I screamed in my own language as I continue to fight. I heard a laugh i reached up digging my nails into the hand .  A resounding hiss sounded as another blow landed on my head. My head hurt so bad as the stars dance when I felt the hand slightly loosen around my scalp. My hair a mess I felt the room still.  The man behind me had stopped laughing.

"Put that gun down. " The man behind me sneered. His pheromones oozing off him.  An alpha. The cockiness not loss on me as I realized he was relishing this moment of abusing me.  " You wanna point that gun at me for some misbehaving bitch that..."

The loud bang sounded in the quiet room cutting off the voice . Something wet seemed to splatter on my hands that still were digging into the mans hand.  The fingers loosened as I felt them fall away.  as they fell away I felt my head turn towards the sound till I felt two hands gently grasp my head and turn it to face forward.

"No mam.  The boss wouldn't want you to see this. " I blinked lost in this as my head turned in front of me was now staring face to face with someone else.

His black hair slicked back as he leaned back comfortable in a chair. Familiar pitch black eyes met mine all together familiar yet unknown.

"So your the omega he's keeping.  He really is treating you so preciously... Apparently we will be family some day. So I'm here to set some ground rules." The word family being spat out venomously. His hands tightening on the chair cracking them.  He didn't like me. Downright I was being hated by this man. I felt my blood run cold "My name is Shinichiro Sano."

His eyes cold and unyielding. Sano. Sano.  The name reversing within my head my lions family name. Those eyes showing a clear familiar link. I just blinked absentmindedly at him as he talked. Nothing but fear and confusion on my face. His hand ever gracefully rose pointing in the direction of the door .  My gaze obediently following his hands.

"And that is Izana Kurokawa."

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