Cocky ain't we?

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After all that noise it seemed even the outside world had grown quiet to watch as the show started.

An expression of loss that could only remind me of a puppy who lost his master and didn't know how to react seemed to overlap with the alpha in front of me.

Even his breath was frozen as if trying to decipher what had happen or what had gone wrong in his "perfect moment". As I watched his expressions flicker thru his face his black eyes seemed to lose their glint a precursor to anger I had seen before.

He's being rather patient. What a good boy.

My mind already resolved to treat him like an animal beneath me. I smiled so tenderly at him making his face just lose all anger as he became lost. My hands began to reach for his shoulders as I rest them so gently as if I could break him.

Manjiro was definently lost in this moment. Surprise, anger, doubt, confusion, and finally resolve flickered thru his face.

"What are you doi-?!" He tried to ask as a sharp push on his shoulder and a swift leg movement caused him to fall into his chair behind him surprising him mid sentence.

He's being patient although he's confused that's a really good boy. My mind was giddy at my actions. I've always been one to amuse myself with others reactions.

I used my legs to bring the chair as close to the table as possible as I turned to look down at Mikey. He seemed to grow amused at his current position. Easily handing over the control to me. My smile turning into a tooth grin as I leaned forward towards him, my hands traveling from his shoulders up to his hair entangling in those golden locks.

In one swift movement I tighten my hand roughly pulling his head back, causing him both pain and excitement to ripple thru his face.

So he does like a bit of pain back.

As I leaned into him I inhaled his scent deeply as I lightly let my lips graze parts of his neck and cheeks. He tried fighting against my hand to turn to try to meet my lips but I didn't let him. Although he could easily break my hold he indulged me just passively watching and reacting to my teasing.

A few centimeters from his lips I pulled back pulling my arms back as well. Sitting leisurely on the desk in front of him, I leaned back, bringing up one of my legs up to rest my foot on the edge of table as well.


"Come here." He commanded me his voice becoming raspy at my provocation. When I didn't move but continue to stare at him seductively he made a attempt to lean forward towards me.

Oh no no no Lil alpha.

I used my foot that had been leaning to roughly shove him back into the chair letting it continue to rest on his chest to keep him in place. Excitement glinted in his eyes as he relished this moment.

"Ah no no no Manjiro." I said in a low voice almost seductively as I playfully used one of my fingers to wag no at him. Watching as a smile started forming on his lips. I locked eye contact with him, mirroring his smile on his lips stopping myself from laughing.

This is too good. He's enjoying it.

I brought my hands up to my neck and let them start to travel down the front of my blouse. He started to release his scent again this time it was light and playful wanting to continue our game. He brought his closest hand up to touch my leg as he leaned over to start to lightly give butterfly kisses to my leg making my body lightly shiver with excitement.

Gripping the ends of the shirt I brought it up and over my head, taking it off as I held Mikey in place. His light butterfly kisses turning into playful bites causing my body to tense up. With my shirt off I brought my hands down to my sides as I smiled at him. My blouse which instead throwing it off I left in one of my hands putting it down to the side of me.

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