If they only knew

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Odd. That was the only thought that could come to any of the Alpha's minds as they waited by the cars for their boss to come down.

Draken exhaled as his thoughts shifted trying to change the unease he was still feeling, the pain from the headache still aching from inhaling those pheromones earlier,  to the meeting they were heading to. The feeling of disgust still prevalent in his body.

As the group had arrived in the garage their demeanor had shifted the other half of the bright group into a somber mood. Inui and Koko had wandered closer to the main car as Sanzu had stood off to the side lighting a cigarette to try to edge off the discomfort running thru his body.

"Omega-chan pheromones are odd aren't they?" Koko said as he tried to break the awkward silence.

"I don't think I've ever felt something like that before." Inui replied his head still pounding from the aftereffects. The two starting a conversation between themselves.

"What are you guys talking about?" Mitsuya looked at them as he leaned on the car staring at the 4 other alphas that had just arrived.

"What is this about? Who are you talking about?" Smiley said his classical grin staring at them as well as he exchanged a look with Mitsuya.  As two of the other captains, they had noticed the others conditions quickly after coming down to the garage.

"Omega-chan. " Koko said.

"Who?" Smiley asked.

"The bosses damn omega." Draken snapped at the orange hair causing him to exchange a look between him and Mitsuya. The Vice president had always been so levelheaded to the point they all found it weird to see him that on edge. Whatever had happened in the office, had dampened his mood. Although it was common for the homicidal alpha boss to have everyone on edge after years of being in his group, they werent use to the level of agitation the group was displaying now from the last meeting.

"Y/n-san? Is this all about Y/n? She seems normal what was wrong with her" Smiley continued to ask his last encounter with her pheromones still warming him.

Sanzu burst out in a fit a laughter startling the others. " Normal. That thing can't be normal."  The conversation beginning to cause even the grunts to look between their captains as the wondered what brought them on such edge, before turning back to ignore the conversation knowing too well it was better not to be nosey in such situations.

"What are you trying to say? Are you demeaning our Mistress?" Smiley snapped. His devotion a little too obvious for the new mistress, still drunk off the pheromones that had wafted thru the hallway earlier which had caused him and a few others to come to the garage early to wait in order to avoid going into rut.

"We should stop talking about it." Mitsuya said the most levelheaded of the group. The bosses devotion to the new omega was enough to send two of the highest members on a punishment mission, he didn't want to see what would happen when they were caught badmouthing her. Not that he wanted to badmouth her anyways.

Sanzu took another hit of his cigarette as he tried to alleviate his current discomfort. Usually he would of reached for something more satisfying to calm his nerves but they they still had a meeting with Tenjiku, where yet another monster that could rival their boss stood. Fear is what ran thru his mind. Not for the upcoming meeting but that his boss was alone in the room with that thing at the moment. The concern over his king being that close to something that.... that... dangerous. "We should get rid of it." He said aloud as the silence seem to deepen in the room.

"Get rid of what. Answer right or I'll fucken kill you." A voice colder then ice cut thru the silence causing some of the people within the garage to flinch. Sanzu paled at the reply knowing he had definently fucked up.

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