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Habits. Routines. What's the difference really? Making it a lifestyle because one was forced to surely makes it no different from being a hostage, either. 

But that was what it took for Youngie to survive.

Everyday, nothing spontaneous ever happened, other than new customers coming into the perfume shop. All because Youngie had to distance herself and keep their interactions to a minimum, by bottling up the excitement she felt every time a new person walked in. All of that effort and restraint to mitigate the repercussions, only to wake up still disoriented the next morning and deal with the same obscure memory and panic attacks.

Do Hyun had witnessed this vicious cycle on a daily basis. And as heartbreaking as it was  to watch her best friend live an inhibited life, it was the only way to make her situation bearable, albeit restraining for someone as free spirited as Youngie. 

So when Do Hyun picked up her phone that morning and found out about Youngie's risky jaunt in Seoul, she just knew that the anniversary of the accident had to do with her irrational and perilous actions and she could not help the self reproach she felt for leaving Youngie alone that day. 

She didn't need any explanation as to why Youngie was there. All she wanted was to ensure her safety and to get there in time before Youngie collapsed out of the excessive amount of new memories she would soon need to process from the day before. 

The panic in Youngie's voice as she implored her to come to her quickly was enough to make Do Hyun turntail in the middle of a breakfast meeting with the art director. She found herself bawling in commiseration as she ran across the street to pick her best friend up from a bistro in Songpagu. She could only thank the heavens that the establishment was just a block away from the shooting site. 

When she arrived at the bistro, Youngie was still on her way down from the main building. So to make sure that she would make it down to the bistro safely, Do Hyun kept her on the line as she reprimanded her for putting herself in such a dangerous situation. She didn't care about the looks she got from the customers of the fancy establishment, as she gave Youngie an earful while she sobbed frantically out of worry.

Until suddenly, a hand started tapping on her shoulder.

" Chogiyo, seonsaengnim ," Tae Oh called out to her with a tinge of irritation in his voice. 

Do Hyun turned promptly, still holding her phone against her ear. 

" Wae ?" She responded with a sniff and an equally annoyed tone. She then gave the man in his apron a once-over, eyebrows furrowed with undue annoyance.

Stupefied by the unexpectedly dazzling beauty in front of him, Tae Oh suddenly forgot his words

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Stupefied by the unexpectedly dazzling beauty in front of him, Tae Oh suddenly forgot his words. He was so ready to kick this supposedly obtrusive and loud woman out of his bistro, after getting a complaint that was passed on to one of his staff members while he worked in the kitchen. 

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