Chapter One

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The sun was shining, as it glistened down on her tanned soft skin. Rolling over putting her pillow over her face hoping to get at least five more minutes of sleep.

When all of a sudden she hears a knock on her bedroom door. "Amelia, it's time to get up" as they continue knocking on the door.

Amelia ignored the knocking and rolled back over. The knocking continues. "Get up now missy, you're going to be late for your first day back". As Amelia groaned not wanting to wake. The door opens, standing at the door, her mother standing tall, dressed as if she was attending a formal ceremony. "Darling, I know you hate that summer is over, but you need to get up now".

She looks over at her mother, she sighs while pushing herself up out of her bed. "I know mom, you don't have to keep reminding me". As she stretches, arms in the air while yawning. "Watch the attitude" her mother stands over her, with her arms crossed.

"I know, I'm sorry mom but you know I'm not a morning person" as she stands up getting out of the bed.

Her mother is lingering as if something is on her tongue. Amelia notices her mother's actions. "Mom, you look like you have something to say?". Her mother sighs " Amelia, you need try and find someone to settle with this year" their eyes staring at each other as Amelia looks confused. "This is your last year in Hogwarts, we need to keep our traditions and keep this family pure" Amelia puts her head in her hands. "Mom, I do not want to settle. I'm content being alone, I do not need a man-" she takes a large breath. " to come into my life and treat me as if I am some property".

Mrs Riley frowns at her daughter, "having a partner does not mean you're his property Amelia". She walks towards the door. As she goes to walk out she turns around. "You need to let your guard down for once and learn that loving someone is a good thing-" as she looks at her daughter directly, "now go get ready as you will be leaving soon, I'll wait for you downstairs". She walks away leaving Amelia with nothing but annoyance on her face.

Amelia~Rose knew her family were strict when it came to keeping purity in their family. They would never let her hear the end of how she must settle and have children. She was tired of the same conversation that consisted around the same topic for the last few years.

She was a free soul, that wanted to explore and live life with out the feeling of being committed to someone. The thought of having someone to tell her what to do bugged her.

Many family's have reached out to the Riley family for their daughters hand in marriage to their sons. It disgusted her.

Her parents gave her the choice that if she doesn't find someone that she would like to settle with this year, they will make the choice for her. She hated the thought of someone being chosen for her but yet she never wanted to go out of her way to choose anyone for herself either.

The girl sighed, running her brush through her long brown silky hair. She curled her hair with the wave of her wand.

The girl walked over to her wardrobe and picked out what she would wear for her first day back. Amelia loved her style, the blue eyed girl knew she always stood out from others with what she would clothe herself in, but she loved standing out from the crowd.

Amelia was a confident girl, never let anyone walk all over her, she always stood her ground. She was an effortless big flirt with out even trying. Always had everyone admire her not only for her looks but Amelia's big personality.

While she was now clothed, the small girl made her way downstairs to begin her journey for the start of a new year in school

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While she was now clothed, the small girl made her way downstairs to begin her journey for the start of a new year in school.

"You look stunning as always my beautiful girl" her dad stood tall looking proud at how grown up his little girl looks. "Thanks dad" she gave him a soft smile. "I know any boy will be lucky to call you his own" her dad chuckled. She rolled her eyes "lucky is right cause to get me to settle will be a miracle" her mother frowns at the comment.

"Well we better get you to the train before you miss it" her father says. He goes over to Amelia and gives her a big hug. "I'm so proud of you, enjoy this year Amelia before the time comes when you will have to settle". She hugs him back " yeah I will" she scoffed.

The only thing the brown haired girl looked forward too was seeing her friends, even the three slytherin boys, although they annoyed her she wouldn't have it any other way.

Property Of No One  [M.R, D.M, T.N]Where stories live. Discover now