Chapter Three

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                - Mentions of Abuse, Small smut -

Pansy Parkinson and Astoria Greengrass are Amelia's best friends. They've all known each other since the moment they could say their first words.

The girls are the definition of a powerful trio friendship. The queens of Slytherin some like to even call them. Although they were friends with most, it wasn't anything compared to their friendship.

They were exactly like one another. Only differences between them was that Astoria was a relationship girl, she always had to be in one. Even if she just broke up with someone she would be in a relationship as fast as the last one ended.

Pansy was similar in ways but she was bisexual, but we all know she is mostly attracted to girls. Her parents are super strict same as Amelia's, they would never allow pansy to settle if it were to with a person of the same sex. So pansy would just say she was bisexual, mostly because it's easier for her to pretend that she didn't like girls when she had to see her parents. It was heartbreaking really she just wants to love who she wants, but unfortunately with Pureblood families they forbid it.

And for Amelia~Rose she was all against love. She simply didn't believe in it. Although her parents are together, she knows they don't love each other. Their marriage was arranged like most pure bloods. Her parents constantly fought. She witnessed horrible arguments that turned violent. Which no child should ever have to witness. For that reason she simply didn't believe in love. She thinks a myth almost, like it's some sort of sick joke.

One night things got out of hand. Her father was a sloppy drunk, her mother accused him of having an affair with another woman. One thing lead to another and her mother was left in a hospital bed.
Amelia witnessed her father raise his hands to her mother. An image she can never shake from her mind.

She loved her parents they were always good to her, but now her mother has turned cold from it all, her father doesn't even speak to her mother anymore. They simply don't exist to each other. The only reason they are together still is for Amelia's sake. But by them doing that only caused Amelia more pain than they both realised.

That is why the brown haired girl doesn't want to settle, not because she think she's better than everyone else. It's simply because she doesn't want to in the position her mother was in.

She was a big flirt, the girl could flirt with a wall and make the damn wall fall in love with her. She enjoyed it and found no harm in it.

Just because she didn't settle with anyone didn't mean she didn't have fun with boys. Of course the girl did, it was only natural for anyone to want sexual attention. But as soon as someone would try want more than that she would simply cut them of. Maybe it was cruel and heartless but the blue eyed girl always told anyone that she was with that she never wanted anything more than a bit of a flirt and sex.

That's just how the girl was, and that's how Amelia liked it. She was free and able to enjoy life that way. She was independent and that's what the girl loved most about herself. But little the brown haired girl know her whole world was going to be changed this year.

A loud gasp, "oh merlin Amelia what happened to you?" The other brown haired girl eyes looking her up and down confused. "That ex of yours is what happened" Amelia tutted. "Astoria maybe you should get back with him, that would help me out a lot here" she laughed. " not a chance me and Blaise are doing good, thank you very much" Astoria smirked then turning it into a chuckle. The girls always were sarcastic and snappy at each other but the never mean harm by it that's just how they are.

"Where's pansy?" She question Greengrass, while looking around as she was no where to be seen. " well I think Parkinson is with you know who" she scoffed, as she rolled her eyes. "Ohh cmon Astoria let the girl live, If she wants to be with Hermione then let her-" Amelia said in a harsh tone " support her and who she wants to be with, don't be like our parents" staring at the green eyed girl with a serious look. "I know it's just a habit I guess, I don't mean to come of so harsh" stated Greengrass.

The two girls jumped straight into conversation about how they both spent their summers this year. Amelia was telling Astoria all about how she spent her summer in Paris soaking up the culture and  about the summer flings she had. The green eyed girl was about to explain how her summer was when loud moans came from down the end of the room.

The two turned around instantly in shock as to who the moans belonged to. Astorias green eyes locked with Amelia's blue ones. There was a silence among everyone. The silence was louder than the moan everyone had just heard, the tension in room built up and with that Amelia couldn't contain her laughter. She was wheezing at the noise, while tears streamed down her face. "Amelia~Rose" stated the green eyed girl. "This isn't the time to be laughing, let's go check to see who it is" said the girl with a curious look on her face.

The two got up from their seats and walk down to the end of the compartment to investigate who the noise came from, when they reached the end they looked over to see who it was and with that it was not who they expected.

The two brunette girls staring right at none other than Astoria's blonde haired sister and a male figure they could not yet see.

"Daphne what the fuck are you doing" yelled her sister. Causing the blonde to look at the two girls.

Amelia broke out in laughter again " she's clearly doing him Astoria" as she couldn't contain how funny it was. The green eye girl threw Amelia a look of annoyance at the comment she had just made.

That comment caused the boy to break out in laughter too, " I like your sisters friend she's got good humour" stated the large male with silk dark curly locks.

Astoria stood shaking her head in anger after witnessing her sister being railed right in front of her.

The male and the blonde girl stood up fixing themselves. "I'm sorry you had to witness that" said Greengrasses sister with a look of embarrassment.

"Don't be daphne, you do what you have to do" chuckled the blue eyed girl. "Amelia please can you not encourage her behaviour " Astoria stated as her hands squeezed into fists. "You're an embarrassment Daphne" the girl yelled at her sister.

The comment caused the blonde girl to run off to the bathroom. "Astoria that was a bit harsh don't you think, she wasn't the only one doing it" looking directly at the male that stood before them.

The males big brown eyes looked directly back into hers not breaking contact. "Yeah well we expect nothing less from Mr.Riddle over here now do we" said Astoria looking him up and down.

He broke eye contact with Amelia and looked over at Greengrass "Don't be jealous, just because it wasn't you" he shrugged his shoulders with a big smirk on his face. "I have a boyfriend riddle I have nothing to be jealous about" said the green eyed girl crossing her arms.

He looked back over at Amelia, looking her up and down. "What about you, do you have a boyfriend?" He questioned eagerly. "She doesn't date" Astoria answered for her. "She has a name and she can answer for herself thank you very much" Amelia looked at them both while she stated it.

He looked curious about the girl that stood before him. "Why don't you?" He asked even more curious than before. The blued eyed girl looking him while sweat was rolling down his face. "I don't need a man" she gave him the answer short and sweet not finding the need to explain herself to him.

"Oh you like girls is it?" He assumed. Astoria looking at him with the audacity he had to even ask her friend that.

"I don't mind girls, I love a flirt every now and
then-" looking into his eyes, "but no I'm not into girls in that sense, unfortunately I'm attracted to men I guess" she shrugged.

"So you just don't like relationships" said the brown eyed boy with a confused look on his face. "Yeah pretty much" she huffed. "I've never met a girl that didn't want a relationship, that's interesting" the boy slightly giggled.

"Well now you have" as she turned to walk away back to her seat. She was bored of the conversation and had no more interest in discussing it anymore.

"Maybe one day I'll change that" shouted the boy at her.

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